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        Ok. So there aren't allergies in space. No allergies or whatever. And all the food is different. So I saw no need to tell the team about my severe allergy to starches. Ok by starched I mean potato's and rice. How could this be an issue in space...? Coming back to earth however, was a conundrum. Hunk wanted to make us a meal. To celebrate being home. Guess what so many of the main dishes were.... starches. I try to excuse myself from the table saying that "I'm not hungry." But Keith got very angry about that. "Stop being selfish and just eat lance. Hunk worked hard in this.!" He said to me. So I slowly sat back down. And picked up a fork full of masked potatoes. I put It to my mouth and quickly swallow. I force down a lot very quickly. And then I can't breathe. At first no one notices, and then Pidge asks me if I'm ok. I don't answer. Just then hunk walks into the room and sees what is going on . "Pidge get lance one of the syringes out of that drawer.!" He says and Pidge does. He pumps the medication into my system and calls the hospital and they come to pick me up. "Were you guys crazy he could have died from eating that!" Hunk yelled. "He's allergic to potatoes! Ok!" "I-I'm so sorry I didn't know!" Keith says.    

I don't know why I chose potatoes but I did so yep

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