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In life everyone needed a companion, at least on earth that was true. No one was alone, and no one wanted to be alone. Lance was always thrilled by the idea that everyone had a companion, a mate, someone to spend the rest of your life with. See, Lance hates being alone. He had grown up in a large family, so he never was alone. That being said he was a middle child, so he never got the majority of his parents attention, but he was ok with that. He was still surrounded by people; however, the day that his family found out that his soulmate was a man they kicked him out of the house, and then lance was alone. You see, you found your soulmate through dreams. Starting when you are 12 you receive a dream of your soulmate once a month. At first they start out simple, a place, or a color, and eventually you will see your soulmates face, but you never find out their names until you meet them. With each step Lance took in his life he wished desperately to find his soulmate so that he wouldn't he alone. When he got a job so he could finish school, when he joined the galaxy garrison, and finally when he flew the blue lion into space. He thought that there was no way to be lonely, stuck in space with 6 other people. He was wrong. Pidge and Hunk of course turned out as soulmates. Shiro has a soulmate back on earth, and Allura was Altean, they didn't have soulmates. Keith has always been there though, and lance knew, he just knew that Keith was his soulmate... but he would never tell him, and even though he wouldn't tell Keith... it still hurt like hell when he left for the blades... but lance couldn't hold him back, Keith was worth so much more than he was, so he smiled and waved while Keith was watching, and then ran to his lion to collapse sobbing. Completely alone, again.

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