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Around Altea, Lance was known as a bit of a wild child, if you know what I mean. He was on the basketball team, football team, swimming team, and surprisingly, the president of the chess club, but he had another side. The side that had detentions before every practice for disrespecting teachers, sleeping in class, vandalism... Let's just say, he wasn't known for being a good influence. Most people thought he was in a gang, some thought he did drugs, and some people thought all of the above and more... Keith... Well he didn't think that was necessarily true. So when he caught Altea high's bad boy on the roof alone, he was going to milk his opportunity to find out about the mysterious boy. "Hey." He said, his breath showing in the chilly morning air. "Hey." Was all he got back. Keith went and plopped down next to the other boy on the edge of the roof. See, Keith saw things. Others didn't. He saw the sadness in the other boys eyes, and the bags that signified little sleep. He saw the bruises peeking out from his collar and sleeves, and the scars all over his body during swim meets. "It's Keith? Right?" Lance asked, startling Keith. "Umm, yeah." Keith mumbled. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" Lance asked almost sadly. " because I see more than most, because I've done, and gone through, more than most." Keith answered. "Mmmm, you always were the observant one. So. What do you want?" Lance asked stiffly. "Just to talk I suppose." He said honestly. "Oh." Lance's eyes brightened a bit, and he looked a little like a hyper active puppy. " really!! What do you want to talk about? No one ever talks to me, but I love to talk.!" Lance got out in one breath. Shocking the quiet Keith. "Ummm, I don't know, what's your favorite color?" Keith asked cheekily, cause he honestly couldn't think of a better question. "Blue." Lance said happily. "My favorite color is blue. What's yours?" Lance asked. "Red." Keith days blushing. He thought this would be the beginning of an awesome friendship, and it was.

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