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          Lance can't sleep. It's not that he doesn't want to. Or has a problem with it.... he just can't. It has always evaded him and he always ends up more frustrated than ever like a dog chasing its tail when he does try to sleep. So instead he helps everyone else sleep. He takes Pidge's laptop, and he sings to hunk, he trains with Keith until Keith is tired, he comforts Allura and Coran about King Alfor, and he talks Shiro down from his nightmares. But still he didn't sleep. Sometimes he stared at the stars, sometimes he sang, one night he might train. Sometimes he gets approximately an hour of sleep. Lance walks into the kitchen to get a glass of water, only to be greeted by Shiro and Keith. "So.... haha.... what's up guys." Lance nervously stuttered out. "Oh nothing except you apparently." Shiro said sternly. "The rest of the paladins and I were talking today when I mentioned how you helped with nightmares, and then lo and behold, you help pidge too, then hunk chimes in, you help him, then Keith comes and says you train with him also. When Allura heard this she stops in and tells us how you always help her and Coran grieve. Tell me lance... when was the last time you slept more than about an hour?" Shiro finishes. Lances face lit up a bright red. "Ummmm.... before we left earth." He looks at the ground. "Well lance needs a nap Keith." Shiro says and Lance looks up sharply. "I CANT sleep Shiro! It's called insomnia." Lance says dramatically. "Oh" Shiro looks a little abashed. Would it help if we took a nap with you. "Maybe" Lance says uncertain. So Shiro and Keith lead lance back to his room each one laying in either side of lance. "Night guys" Lance says. As comfortable as he is, it makes him blush hard when Shiro spoons him from the back and Keith practically lays on top of him. "Night lance." They day and lance albeit reluctantly drifts into sleep. "We love you lance." They say kissing his cheeks and then they too drift off to sleep.

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