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             Something new... that was what lance was looking for. He was going on his first date, and was unabashedly and messily tossing his clothes around his room in some organized but chaotic way. Something new... something new.... problem was, Lance didn't own anything new. Just all these old hams me downs. Not that he wasn't grateful for what he had, but sometimes he wished ya had new things. As the youngest child in his family(I know it isn't cannon but fight me) he always had gotten everyone else's leftovers, from food, to clothes, to school supplies, and even attention. He was so embarrassed when he first entered the garrison in his ratty green jacket and worn blue jeans, but heya could he do? Nothing. So he became confident gave everyone else something else to care about, look at, pay attention to. But he really wanted to look good for his date with... Keith. He was so excited, and he knew Keith wouldn't care... but he cared he really did. He sat down on his bed thinking of what he could wear. Then thought if something. The suit. The suit he had worn to his abusive fathers funeral. It was brand new. He didn't go to the funeral. So he put on the suit. And went to meet Keith for their date. They had a great time, and Keith made sure lance was never embarrassed about his clothes again.

Happy ending!!!! Yay!

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