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Overwhelm: to gain control or victory over.

    I tasted the word on my tongue sticky and pungent. I suppose I was overwhelmed by myself... my thoughts were claiming their righteous victory over me, as they pounded through my head on a looped track. If course the other paladins didn't really help... they were just silent most of the time. Ignoring me, my jokes, my problems, preferring to stay in their little world where I don't exist. I know they have one. Because I have a world like that too. It's where I put all my thoughts. I will hate to leave this place. It's quite beautiful. But I know what I have to do, to finally over come my demons. I grab the knife that sits in my dresser. The one I knicked from Keith the other day. I hold it in my hand. Tears stream down my face. And I bring the tip to my wrist. And pull, a horrid, sickening, pulling sensation tugs, and my flesh, and I fall on my knees overwhelmed with the pain. Then I lift the knife with my sliced hand, and pull it across the second vein. Then I hold the knife with both hands firmly on the handle, and plunge it into my waiting chest. The breath leaves my body, and black spots start to dance across my already blurry vision. Soon I am fading, being overwhelmed by darkness. Someone knocks on the door. "Lance?" It was Keith. I didn't answer. So he comes in anyways. When he sees me he starts crying. "Lance why??" He asks sobbing crouched next to me. My time is coming I can feel it, but I don't wanna go. "I don't wanna die Keith. I changed my mind!" I say quickly. "Don't let me die?" I asked sadly. "Never." He said and picked me up carefully. He put me in a healing pod. You're going to be ok Lance. I don't think I am dead... it's been three days. I am finally healed. When I walk out of the pod I am crushed in a hug by the whole team, but mainly Keith, who softly grabs my face, and then contradictory to his soft hands, he roughly presses his lips to mine. I tentatively and softly kiss backZ I think I am going to be ok.

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