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Lance was a dreamer, and no one could deny it. He saw shapes in the clouds, and faces in the chipped paint of his old house's kitchen walls. Sometimes he thought he could see the dead, and angels, and other creatures that exist purely in your imagination... lance wasn't crazy... he just heard voices and saw things...
the problem was that they were real to him... they were his friends.... especially the ghosts he saw. There was a small girl he saw sometimes... her name was pidge. She liked green and technology, the reason she was still a ghost was because she was in an eternal search for her family. But she always came to say hello to lance. Then there was hunk, he was lances best friend who died... he loved yellow, and cooking... he was gone now he didn't have a mission after he died. Lance missed him when he could remember him... there was also Shiro... Shiro was a war hero in the civil war, lance thought he was great... his mission was to hunt down the people that had killed him when he was in battle... he is still looking, but like pidge he knows lance is lonely and comes to visit... then there is allura... she was a nurse in the war Shiro was in... she died when a bomb hit her station... she is still here to find her long lost love who was a soldier in the war... motor... lotor? I think his name was... anyhow, there was also Koran... Koran... well lance didn't really know his story, but he thinks that Koran was a janitor here at the hospital who died in a fire... he tells great stories when lance gets really bored... and then... we'll then there is Keith... Keith was another patient in the mental hospital before lance... he had... killed himself... he was here because he wanted to be... so he could see lance... lance was in love with Keith... and Keith would sit on the windowsill and talk to lance for hours... so when Keith asked lance if he would like to come and be with Keith... lance said yes immediately.... he took his head in his hands, and twisted... the snap could be heard echoing off the walls... lance McClain has snapped his neck... and after all this he didn't regret it... he could only anticipate the life he had to come with Keith...

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