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Lance had a secret. A big gigantic tremendous terrifying secret. Lance was trans. Now don't think lance was ashamed or anything cause he wasn't. He had already had his top surgery, and was taking hormones so he didn't get a period or anything. But he hadn't had his bottom surgery yet, and his voice was still a little high for a guys, though the testosterone has been helping
. He has another secret. He likes Keith. Like like likes Keith.... and today Keith told him that he liked him back. Lance was ecstatic. So after a couple months of the two dating, Keith wanted to play a little. Heavy makeout sessions and groping ensued. But if Keith even tried to take off lances shirt. Or even go underneath it lance would freeze, go to the bathroom and wouldn't come back. Keith started to wonder why lance always ran out. So this time he followed lance to the bathroom. "Lance babe what's wrong? Are you ok?" Keith asks filled with concern for his boyfriend. "N-no." Lance says sobbing as he steps out of the bathroom and hugs Keith burying his head into the side of Keith's neck. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong babe?" Keith asks. Really wanting to know what's bothering his lance. "It just. Well I guess I better show you. Will you close your eyes for a sec." "yeah." I say closing them. I hear the rustling as lance undresses. And then he whispers "you can open them now." Lance is standing in front of me he has a few scars on his chest but it doesn't look too bad (please tell me if third isn't accurate and I will change it.) but below that he Umm he doesn't have make parts. "I'm trans Keith! I can't give you what you want. If you don't want anything to do with me now I understand." He says standing waiting for judgement. I get up and stand in front of him. I pick his chin up so that he is looking at me. And kiss him. "You are so handsome lance, I won't ever leave you, and as far as sex goes, I'm bisexual lance, like you. Plus it's you I love not sex. So it's fine." I say looking him in the eyes. "Thanks Keith. Can we just snuggle today though please." Lance asks quietly. "Of course babe." I say. I have such a great boyfriend.

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