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Teasing.... what is teasing exactly? Because from my point of view, all teasing is, is an excuse to make fun of someone else. Or to put someone else down. Because I have been "teased" my whole life. My parents were only teasing when they said I was a worthless waste of space. They were only teasing when they kicked me out of the house. My dad was only teasing when he broke my nose. My uncle was only teasing when he raped me in front of my parents while they did nothing. The kids at school were only teasing when they called me a fag. They were only teasing when they said all I was good for was a laugh. The guys who used to hang at the strip club where I worked to pay my tuition for the garrison, were only teasing when they ganged up on me and raped me again and again every week. They were only teasing when they said all I was good for was a fuck. Hunk was only teasing when he called me annoying. The commander was only teasing when he said I would never be as good as Keith. Keith was only teasing when he said he hated me. Pidge was only teasing when they told me to shut up. Allura was only teasing when she called me a useless Paladin. Shiro was only teasing when he suggested they replace me. Coran was only teasing when he said I was like his son. I was only teasing when I left the note on my bed. I was only teasing when I bought the rope from that man. I was only teasing when I tied a noose around my neck. And I was o my teasing when I jumped off my bed. Yep it was just a big joke when they found me dead.

This was really hard to turn dark but I really relate to this chapter, even though Lance had it way worse than me in This story.

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