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Lance would never have called himself defiant. He didn't mind authority, and he tended to listen to adults. He made good grades, and he played sports. He didn't sleep around, or have a girlfriend... no that he wanted one. Lance knew one thing about him was defiant, and it was defiant of most of the human race. He wanted a Boyfriend. He was gay and terrified of showing it. So, he pretended to be a lady's man, flirting with any and every girl in the area. He quickly got different nicknames. Instead of being known for his grades, or his sports, he was known for being a slut and sleeping around. He didn't of course, but it didn't matter... even his friends Hunk and Pidge thought he did. He had gone to such lengths to hide being gay, that he was rejected anyways. Lance wasn't really scared of his school's reaction... I mean he might have gotten beaten up... but he can defend himself. It was his family he was worried about. His father would kill him, but being a lady's man, his father clapped him on the back and told him he was doing well. If he was doing well, why did he feel so bad? He was going to tell his family. Today. No more "lady's man" or "slut" never again. As he walked through the front door of his house his heart was beating at an unhealthy pace. His father smiled at him, and his mother hummed as she cooked dinner. His little sister played with dolls on the kitchen counter, and his brother watched a tv show called... vol-tron? He went straight to his room, and almost instantly threw up. His nerves were on edge and his stomach hurt badly. "lance? Dinner!" his mother called from down the stairs. He got up feeling dizzy and like he was watching himself go through someone else's body. His feet trudged feeling glued to the floor. Through the sounds of his family's conversations his ears rung, and his vision was a little blurred. He tasted the bitterness form being sick, and his jaw was tightly clamped shut. He walked down the hall as if he was headed to his execution. He sat at the table with his family across from his father. HE coughed slightly. "Lance are you alright? You look sick." His mother said. "Umm yeah, I'm ok mom. But I have something I have to say." He said nervously. "well. Spit it out son!" his father said impatiently. "I'm... I'm gay." He said looking his dad in the face. He could see his father's face go from shock, to confusion, and then, suddenly, to anger. "Mom, go. And get the kids out too." He said, growing more scared as he watched his mother herd the younger children outside of the house. "You DEFIANT LITTLE BITCH!" his father yelled. Flipping the table. "So, ALL OF THOSE PRETTY GIRLS YOU FLIRTED WITH? A LIE! YOU ARE NOT MY SON!" he continued, and with the last phrase hit lance in the face. Lance could hear the bone crunch before he felt the pain. HE brought his hand up to his nose and brought it back slicked with his blood. HE looked shocked u at his father and slammed himself against the wall. His father looked shocked himself, and stopped his assault on Lance. "just... just get out. Get your clothes, your stuff and get out." So, I did. I went up to my room packed my bags full of clothes and blankets, and what little food he had stored, as well as his phone, (that he paid for) his charger, and a wad of cash he had been saving. As he went to walk out of the door his father spoke one more time. ", and Lance," he looked almost sad. "Don't come back." Lance got onto his bike, (Which he also paid for) and took off. Not sure where he was going, but knowing that he wasn't sticking around. He rode down to a little park. He used to meet his best friend here before his friend's family had moved away. He walked through the park and spotted his favorite spot, an old tree that ha been there forever. He climbed up in to the tree, and leaned against one of the branches. Then he broke. Tears poured down his face, and his nose ached from being hit. He didn't know where he was going to go, what would he do? He was alone. Just as he was getting down from the tree a young man, probably his age walked up. The guys had medium length black hair, that unfortunately was styled into a mullet, yet it suited him. HE had dark eyes that sparkled slightly, and a small smirk of a smile. He was shorter then lance, but defiantly had more muscle. "Hey, do you know how to get to the McClain's place?" he asked him. Lance laughed at the irony. "Yeah I might know the place." He laughed haughtily. "What is so funny?" the man asked confused. "Nothing... nothing, it's just down this road, take a left, and then it's the first house on the left." Lance said lazily. "Oh, ok." He said seeming surprised at lances tone. "What's your name?" Lance asked the new guy. "Keith. Keith Kogane." Keith said smirking. "Wait YOU'RE KEITH! IT'S ME!!! IT'S LANCE!!" lance yelled crashing him into a hug. "lance? What happened to you?" He said eyeing the bruise on Lance's face, and the bags on his motorcycle. "Umm, nothing much... I mean my dad kicked me out, but ya know, ill find a way." Lance said with false cheer. "Why did you get kicked out?" Keith asked cautiously. "Umm I came out... as gay I mean, and my dad was really angry at first pushed me around a bit. And then he seemed tired. Told me to leave and not to come back. Now I have nowhere to go. My friend's all thought I slept around with girls, and I don't have any other family." Lance shrugged. "well now you do. You can stay with me. I just bought a place across town." "Really?" Lance asked, his eyes lighting up slightly. "Yeah." Keith said. "need a ride?" Lance asked. "Sure." Keith nodded, and the two left

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