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           It's the beauty in a new day, when I used to wake up in Cuba to see the ocean outside my window and a sunrise peaking over the vast blue green sea. It was the glimmer of innocence I still had left, when I looked in the mirror, and my hair stood up on end, and my cheeks were still puffy from sleep. It was the triumph I felt when I found out I had been accepted into the galaxy garrison, and it was the joy when I found out my best friend was my roommate and mechanic. It was the feeling that diminished a bit when I found out I was a cargo pilot. It was the feeling that seeped our if my cracked soul, after I became a fighter pilot, and was compared to Keith time and time again. It was the feeling that was gone every time I got told I was a screwup or that I was annoying. It got given back just a little, when the blue the old girl, accepted me, and made me the first paladin of voltron, and it stayed for a fluttering, flickering, filler of time. Then it started to drip out of my cracked heart, when Pidge called me stupid, or Allura corrected me for everything that everyone did. It left me cold and emotionless when my heart bled for Keith, it fell from my mouth mixed with the blood and petals and pain. It left me alone on the cold alone days. The last time I saw it I stared at the stars, I went out with a bang. Beginning at the start. Hope left me alone and cold and afraid, never again to strengthen my heart or take away the pain.

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