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      I was the only male ballerina at the voltron dance studio. That came.... with a few complications.... like bullying... "ha fag!!" A group of large boys yelled. They were chasing me down the street cause I had just finished my lesson, and now they are terrorizing me. I ran down the street, feeling thankful for my lithe and thin figure. I dash into an alley way, but eventually the little gang of bullies finds me. "Whatcha gonna do twinkle toes?? Huh?! Dance your way out on point?" They laughed as I crouched into the corner. "Hey, leave him alone!" A small Asian boy walks into the alley. He has an atrocious mullet but god his face is like an angel!! He has violet eyes, and pale skin, and his lips are full. "Don't you mean her. I mean she want to be a pretty little ballerina, why don't we treat er' like one." The leading bully says bringing me back from staring at the stranger. The mullet head decks the bully in the face, and the dude just falls to the floor like a stone. The rest of the bullies run. "Hey you ok?"  He says to me and offers a hand. I blush a little, nod, and accept his help from my crouched position. "I'm Keith, what's your name." He asks kindly. Which no offense isn't exactly what I expected from him. "Oh... uh, I'm, uh... Lance! Lance McClain." I stutter out and duck my head in embarrassment. "Hey, pretty boy?" Keith asks me, turning to face me. "Uhhh yeah...." I say nervously, expecting something bad after the nickname. "Can I have your number?" He asks a little shyly. I nod and shove my unlocked phone into his hand awkwardly. He chuckles at this. And quickly put my number in his phone. And his in mine. "Till we meet again sir McClain." He says, leaning down to kiss the top of my hand. I blush bright scarlet, and awkwardly wave. Once he is gone I let out a dramatic sigh. I am so fucked. I think.

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