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Hey just btw this is a soulmate AU so Sklancy?? But mostly still langst. And smut

Lance lived on earth. And on earth people had soulmates. It could be one, two, three... whole groups sometimes. But generally 1-2 was a good bet for a person. So when lance stated to get different notes on both of his arms from different people, he knew he had two soulmates. One of his soulmates his left soulmate he liked to call him because he was on his left arm, had a firey temper, and a harsh tone, and as far as lance could assume had been through a lot and had a lot of grief. His left soul mate also left him some scars... self harm he assumed from the smooth even lines of them, he had tried to talk "red" as the man had asked him to call him, to stop. But it didn't seem to work very well. But I mean it's not like lance was the beet role model.
His right soulmate was deeper, but very emotional but lance could tell he had deep brooding thoughts. He was very calm, which would be needed to calm both he and red down. But you know what could ya do... he didn't have a name so far so lance called him right. He acted it too.
Lance himself had been abused a lot or a very young age until he was 16 and left for the garrison. He self harmed a lot but used his legs so that red and right didn't catch on as they can't see what he does below his shoulders. But he had plenty of scars on his arms but he didn't make them. He had struggled with severe depression, and life threatening anorexic when he was 14 but he hit himself better for the garrison, though he still has trouble eating and was quite thin. Lance wanted to meet his soulmates so he drew beautiful pictures all over his arms with pens and markers and paints. He was quite good at drawing... but red got kinda irritated at this so lance stoped drawing in his left arm. Right liked his drawings though so he kept them up. He had been drawing since the age of 12 trying to find his soulmates. And then he got blasted into space to save the world. Pidge and Hunk, lances best friends had already found their soulmates, each other. And Keith and Shiro were soulmates, even though lance bought they were supposed to have at least one other mate. And Allura and coran didn't have soulmates as they weren't human. Lance bragged on his soulmates all the time even though he hadn't met them. How kind they were, how brave they were, how they would love him. One day lance was doing this and Pidge turned around to lance and said., "well if they are so great let's see your arms." She said happily, and Lance nervously agreed. Right's arm has colorful purple swirls down it and flowers and a couple of sweet notes from both directions. And the other was almost empty except for a few curt "good morning"s and "hello"s. "Do you know they're names?"Pidge asked curiously. "No lance says a little sadly. The one on the left likes to be called red, and right doesn't have any name so I just call him mr right." Lance blushed a little at this part. "Well you have two on your arms that means you're the submissive right?" "Uhh yeah...." Lance said blushing scarlet. And Pidge giggles. "That's fine me too" says Pidge, and they walked down the hallway to find hunk. Little did they know that Keith had been there the whole time, and was now rushing to Shiro's room. "Shiro!" "What..." Shiro said sleepily, grinning at the new painting on his right arm "Lance is our soulmate!" Keith practically yelled. "What?" Shiro's eyes widened a bit. "Really how do you know?" And Keith tells the whole story. "Wow." Shiro says. Pleased but surprised that the calm intellectual boy that he had talked to as his soulmate, was lance who also bounced off the walls like a spring and seemed to never shut up. Keith was also surprised. This meant that lance knew he self harmed, even though he didn't know it was him. He wondered if lance knew that because both he and Shiro were doms that they knew he self harmed too.. probably not. And oh god... that meant lance was abused, some of the scars. There was no way they were accidents. "Shiro, you realize that this means that lance was abused, self harms, had depression, anxiety and anorexia... and no one has ever noticed." Shiro looked extraordinarily guilty at this. "yeah." "We need to find him, and tell him." Keith says, and so they go to find lance. When they do lance is crying against the wall in his room. And the two doms have no idea what to do. "Hey lance." Shiro says softly. Lance looked up. "What's wrong" nothing just having a little problem. "With what?" Shiro asks still calm. "Umm when I was younger I had very severe anorexia. And I think it's coming back!" Lance starts to sob again. Shiro puts his arms around the crying boy, and Keith comes up and dies the Athens some moving the three off the floor and into the bed. "Uhh Lance we have one other thing to tell you, were your soul mates." Keith said expecting a bad reaction but lance just stares. "Guys that's not funny." He says and scoots away from the two. "We are not joking lance." Shiro says seriously. "And we want you to be ours kitten." Keith says seductively now. Lance blushes heavily. "I-uh-ok." Lance says. "That's yes sir to you"Keith says. still lovingly. Lances eyes cloud over. "Yes sir." Lance says quietly m. And Keith smiles. "Good boy." "Do you want Keith and I to train you now? You don't need too much." Shiro asked sweetly but with obvious authority. "Yes yes sir." Lance says again. "That's a good kitten" Shiro says experimentally watching lances breath catch. Yup defiantly a praise kink. "Ok rule one, when the three of us are alone you are to call us sirs unless we tell you otherwise. Rule two, if you disobey punishments will be spanking, not letting you cum, or if the infringement is severe 10 licks with the whip. Rule three, if we are alone always be naked, we love you and don't want you to be embarrassed in front of us. Rule 4, you are to eat three full meals a day. Rule 5, you may never cum before we tell you too. Rule 6 no pleasuring yourself. Ever. Do you understand kitten?" Keith says lance looks at the ground. "Yes sir. Umm sir?" "Yes kitten, do I need to get undressed right now." "Yes kitten." Shiro says. And so lance stands up and starts to slowly take off his clothes while Keith and Shiro watch, their eyes admiring their submissive lover. One lance is naked Shiro says "look at us kitten." Lance dies his cheeks flushed in embarrassment "yes sir" he says. "Good boy you are so beautiful." Keith and Shiro then get up walking to lance. "Will you turn for us kitten?" Keith asks. "Yes sir." Lance says and spins in a slow circle. "So beautiful." Shiro says and then kisses lance softly. And then Keith dies the same. "Here lance this is for you. They hand me a light purple collar. It is thin and won't be easily seenZ a marking collar. "Thank you sir." Lance says. "Your welcome kitten. Also we are going to play now. Your safe word is red." Keon commands. Shiro then comes behind lance and blindfolds him, and then lays the Cuban into the bed. Then Keith ties lances arms to the headboard.
"Is this ok kitten?" "Yes sir." Then Shiro slides a cock ring onto lances hardening member. And then the two leave purple hickies down lances chest and neck. Making their way down. Keith stays and gives attention to Lance's nipples loving the lewd moans he makes, while Shiro continues down ward blowing hot breaths onto lances leaking erection. Then he takes it into his mouth sucking and swirling his tongue around it. Lance is sweating moaning and whining, but hasn't complained one about being denied orgasm. "Hey babe?" "What Shiro. I think our good boy deserves a reward.." "me too. Kitten you've been such a good bit for your first time we want to give you a reward. What would you like?" Shiro asks watching lance keen under the praise. "Umm couldyouspankmepleasesir" Lance asks very fast. "What's was that kitten?" Keith asks, he knows what was said but he has a dirty talk kink. "Could you please uh spank me. Please sir?" Lance asks a little embarrassed. "Of course kitten. How many licks do you want." "As many as you want sir." Lance says submissively. "Ok Shiro you hold his legs up. I'll give him his reward. Shiro does this And is constantly telling lance what a good boy he is. Making lance whine. Then Keith begins spanking lance. Hard. Lance screams and moans at the unexpected pain. Keith hands up giving 50 spankings until lances ass is cherry red just like his straining cock. "Shiro want to help me prepare him." Keith asks. "Sure babe." Shiro says and moves between lances legs with Keith. Keith lays his tongue against the pink muscle if laces opening. Causing lance to whine loudly. Then he thrusts his younger in and out of the small hole, and then Shiro does the same at the same time. Lance is begging for them now. Keith then take s the lube and starts thrusting a finger in and out. Then two then three. Then Shiro's fingers join and lance has six fingers brushing against his insides it's unbearable. But he stays quiet from taking at least m. Finally Shiro places his member in lances stretched hole plunging in and out. "Pleas sir please fuck me." Lance yells. Keith then also enters and begins thrusting, when they are both almost cumming they remove lances cockring and Shiro says "you can cum now kitten." And lance die hard squeezing his tight muscle chasing Shiro and Keith to come inside of him. They then put a but plug into lances hole to keep the cum in, and keep lance open. Then they tell him how good a boy he is and the three fall asleep to hearing Pidge yelling something about Shklance. And to think this all started with a pen.

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