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Smmmmmuuuuut!!! Smutty smut smut smmuuut!! You have been warned!
Lance wakes up to a blaring alarm in his ears. He is shocked to wake up at all, cause he doesn't normally sleep, and then he remembers the events of the previous night. He then feels the warm presences of Keith and Shiro curled around him. He sighs and snuggles back into the very warm embraces. "Morning lance." Shiro says sleepily, and lance turns scarlet Shiro was awake!? "M-morning." Lance says. He gets even more flustered when Keith buries his face into lances hair. Lance hates to admit it and wouldn't if you asked but he was starting to get a little problem, if you know what I mean. He had always liked Keith and Shiro, but he knew there was no way that they would like a guy like him. However Shiro noticed his bright blush and chuckled darkly, deciding to mess with the poor flustered paladin. He starts by snuggling into lance a little further, making sure that lance was pressed securely between he and Keith's chests. When Keith looked up and saw the eve smirk on shiro's face and the bright blush in lances he took the cue, and pressed his face closer against lances neck until his breath was lightly brushing Lance's ear. Lance visibly shivered and if it was possible turned brighter red. Shiro and Keith then began to twine their legs with lances making sure to do it slowly and draw it out. Finally both Keith and Shiro leaned over lance and started to passionately make out. Lance, although extremely turned on was slightly jealous. But didn't want to interfere. And then Shiro was kissing him. Lance let out a muffled oomph in surprise before hesitantly kissing back. And then Keith began kissing lances neck nipping slightly at his ear and soothing the red patches with his tongue. When lance moaned Shiro took the opportunity to deepen his kiss with lance and use tongue, he and lances dancing together. "Shiro!! Share!" Keith complained turning lance around to begin making out with him Shiro didn't seem to have a problem with this and instead began to work at undressing lance. Keith quickly broke his kiss with lance so that Shiro could pull lances shirt over his head. Then shiro began kissing up and down lances chest living small hickies and love bites all around. Then he began to pay extra attention to lances nipples. Swirling his younger around the stiffened buds. He is rewarded by a loud but muffled moan from lance. And gets more as he continues this treatment. Then Shiro takes off his shirt and steals lance from Keith who then also takes off his shirt. Lances dark coppery skin contrasts nicely against Keith's pale shin and Shiro's cream colored skin. Then while Shiro is kissing lance Keith pulls at his pyjama pants, looking at lance to make sure it's ok. Lance lightly nods and so Keith continues. Once he works off lances pants he begins to kiss around the elastic if lances boxers. And then presses his warm mouth against lances hard member through his boxers. Licking and kissing over it. Lance is writhing in shiros grip at this loud sexy moans pouring from his lips. Then Shiro lifts up lances hips and Keith quickly slides lances boxers off. Normally lance would be uncomfortable but right now he is clouded with pleasure and unable to think clearly. Keith closes his mouth around lances erection. Shiro who is now holding lances wrists down moves one hand to hold his hips down before he can accidentally buck and choke Keith. Keith bobs his head up and down, hollowing his cheeks and sucking hard. Lance is begging him to go faster and suck harder so he does. "I-I'm gonna cum!" Lance yells. And Keith keeps sucking, and when lance does come he swallows every drop. "Shiro want to prepare him and see if you can get him to come again?" Keith asks, Shiro just smirks and switches places with Keith. He squirts some lube onto his fingers. And slowly enters one into lance. Lance stiffens at first and then friend accustomed to the feeling. And so Shiro adds another one until he is pumping lance with three fingers. Then lance cums again. And tightens around shiro's fingers. Calling he and Keith's names. Keith then once again switches places with Shiro, while Shiro moves up to hold lances wrists and whisper some very dirty things into his ear. Keith slowly pushes his member into lance, at first just the head and slowly pushing farther to give lance time to adjust. Finally he is bottomed out, and both he and lance let out a low groan. After a minute lance was pressing his hips to Keith's in a desperate search for friction. So Keith slowly begins to move. Until he is slamming in and out of lances right hole. Keith is moaning loudly, and lance would be, but his moans are being swallowed by a passionate kiss from Shiro. Eventually they both come. And then it is Shiro's turn. Shiro goes and repeats the same actions a little less cautious than Keith, but still careful with lance. With one final thrust from Shiro. Lance cums for the fourth time and Shiro cums inside of him. Lance looks exhausted but the two older men decide to push him a little further. Keith sits on Shiro's lap, their dicks lined up beside each other, then they held up lance and slowly slid him down. "Look at you taking both of our cocks so well baby." Keith said almost in astonishment. Shiro let out a small mmhmm... and lance just turned red to tired to make a comment. He was once again pressed between Shiro and Keith and as tired as he was he loved it. "Think you can do one more round babe." Shiro asked softly. Lance nodded. His eyes closed in exhaustion and a new round of pleasure. Shiro and Keith bob grabbed onto Lance's hips and began to slowly move his body up and down on their members. Lance was moaning lewdly and Keith and Shiro weren't much better. It wasn't long before the trio came one last time, and sank down together on the bed. Shiro went and got a warm towel cleaning them all off, and they all went back to sleep, happy that they could and happy with each other.

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