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   You know that overwhelmingly happy feeling you get sometimes... the one that invaded your mind so that you can't help but smile. The feeling you get when you watch someone you love being happy. I love that feeling. When I was young my family didn't have much. We were a large Cuban family with lots of children and not a lot of food. At first we were sad a lot, always hungry, always tired. And then one day I heard a joke... it was the cheesiest joke, something completely silly. But I stopped there on the street and laughed. It made me happy to hear the joke. So I went home and told it to my family. They all laughed. That was when the spark struck. I learned every cheesy joke, every bad pun, and every awful pick up line. My family laughed more and more. I loved seeing them happy. I mean even when I gave all my food to the little ones and didn't eat fro a week I laughed and smiled because they were happy. Even when I got bullied at school, and beaten up by the jocks, I was happy cause my family was happy. I was even happy when my dad decided to join those bullies as hurt me too, because it was fine if it made them happy. I feel the same way now. When Shiro yells at me for something, it's fine, I'm happy because it makes him feel better. When Pidge says mean stuff because she is tired and irritable, it's ok I still put her to bed, and I am still happy, because she is happy? When Keith calls me stupid or dumb or an idiot. It's ok? If it makes him feel better. I'm happy... when my best friend stops talking to me and calls me annoying behind my back. It it's fine... I mean I am and if it makes him happy then it fine. You know what would make them really happy? If I was gone... so I went and found some rope, and I tied it round my neck making people happy killed me. But it's ok I have no regrets.

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