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    Lance hasn't felt fear in a long time. But that he isn't scared if anything, but the things that scare him don't happen often. He is scared of being hit, he is scared of relationships. And most importantly scared of sex. He if course has reasons for these fears. He is scared of being hit because his dad hit him for years. He is scared of relationships because the last person he loved was playing an elaborate prank on him. And he was scared of sex because he was gang raped by the guy who pranked him and the rest of the football team right before he joined the garrison. Now lance is dancing around a relationship with Keith and he is terrified. So when Keith asks him to be his boyfriend he says yes reluctantly. He really likes Keith but is still scared it will be a joke. The first time Keith kisses him Lance jerks back like he's been burned by a bit iron. But he learns to get used to it even if he has panic attacks after every time. Eventually they have sex and lance has a breakdown afterwards by that Keith cares. As soon as Keith banged lance he went into the kitchen to start gossiping. I did what you told me to Pidge. I tricked him into thinking I liked him and got him to have sex with me. It was way harder than I thought to get into his pants though. For such a playboy he sure is a prude. I am pretty sure the sex freaked him out though cause I think he had a panic attack later. Keith is laughing and Pidge is giggling a little, bit hunk who was listening in from across the room pipes up. You what!! He exclaims looking furious and terrified at the same time. It tricked him into having sex with me Keith says. Hunk rushes to lances room and starts to bang in the door and call Lances name. When he doesn't answer hunk knocks down the door. We are too late. He's gone.

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