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P.s. this is a new prompt, but I decided to continue the dance prompt, using the new one. So that's this.

I am walking down the street down from the voltron dance studio, carding my large bad of stuff. I dance hip hop, but everyone has their thing. Like that stranger, I don't know his name, but he is the only male ballet dancer, and he is terrific. I've watched him do the whatever those turnt things are called, and the jumps. Wow. I am a bit lost in thought when the fore mentioned boy crashes a bit into my side, though he doesn't seem to notice, and continues to run down the street. He is very fast. Suddenly he ducks into an alleyway. And then I see why he was running, a gang of about 5 highly muscled Guys is chasing him down the street. They see him suck into the alley way and follow. I decide to join, just to see what's going on. When I get there the dancer is backed into the corner, and the bullies are calling him some awful names."Hey, leave him alone!" I shout, staring down the leader of the group. "Don't you mean her. I mean she wants to be a pretty little ballerina, why don't we treat er' like one." The leading bully says. I grin at the excuse to punch the guy. I do, and he falls to the floor like a stone. The rest of the bullies run. "Hey you ok?" I ask the frightened boy, offering my hand to help him up. "I'm Keith, what's your name." I ask, surprised at my own softness. "Oh... uh, I'm, uh... Lance! Lance McClain." He stutters, it's adorable. "Hey, pretty boy?" I say and feel him stiffen, I feel a little bad for using the nickname, but hopefully he will come to like it. "Uhhh yeah...." He says obviously nervous. "Can I have your number?" I ask a little embarrassed at the situation. He nods really fast and shoves his phone at me awkwardly. I laugh a little at this but not in a mean way. We trade numbers in silence and then I say, "Till we meet again sir McClain." And lean down to kiss his hand. He blushes scarlet, and I am for sure fucked, and totally gay for lance McLain.

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