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W, for weightless...
The feeling water gives me when I float along it's cool crisp surface. The cold stinging my toes but the warmth of the tide flowing over my body is cozy and comforting.

A, for azule, and aqua
The color of the wide ocean as blue as my eyes, and my lips. As blue as the horizon. As blue as only it can get. I am drowning in it. The color, the liquid, and the feelings.

T, for titanic terror and thrill
The ship that sunk, the people that died. The terror the suspension, and the overall complete feel of adrenaline flowing through my veins. As terrifying as loneliness and leisure.

E, for energy, enthusiasm, equality, and empathy...
The meaning, the feeling, the complete utterly surrounded surface of the sea. It is lovely. The joyous tides, the cresting waves, the even windless sea, and the angry pounding, punishing undertow.

R, for ridicule, races, rambunctious, rowdy, reminders.
The scowling faces, the competition, the energetic attempts at making others happy, the loud days running through the halls chasing others playing tags. Memories pulling at our hearts. Reminding us of our homes, and what we have to miss, as well as our fears, terrors, and anxieties.

I love the water. But it doesn't love me. That's why I am drowning.
Im sorry I left you to defend the universe alone.
But you have each other

I'm sorry guys

Lance out....

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