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The smell of new leather invades my nostrils. It always does when I am at work. You see I make custom leather jackets. Its fun and all, but the smell can get to you quickly. I love my job, I love the feel of the supple leather under my skilled fingertips, and the sound of the sewing machines going. However, I hate dealing with the customers. You see, I am very shy. I have severe social anxiety, and that hinders my interactions with others. That is a huge conundrum because custom products require a knowledge of your customer. So, I have recruited my old friend Hunk, one of the few people I am comfortable around, to observe and talk to the customers for me. I am about to go ask Hunk about our customers today, when I see the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen in my life walk through the doors. I quickly dive under the counter so that he doesn't see me. Hunk gives me a weird look, but lets it go. "Hello? How may I help you?" I hear Hunk say from above the counter. "Oh, I just I was hoping to buy a jacket I guess." The random guy said. "Ok, do you have a color in mind?" Hunk asked pleasantly. "I like red." The man answered. "Ok..." hunk sighed. "Anything else?" "um can you make it cropped?" he asked, sounding embarrassed. "Uh, yeah?" Hunk answered looking down at e briefly. "Can I have a name?" Hunk asked the stranger. "Keith." The man said and left. "Lance can..." "Already on it!" I shout and go to make the jacket. I quickly make it working day and night for three days, to completer the deep red and white cropped Jacket. "Its done." I tell Hunk, and h goes to call Keith. When Keith walks in the door Hun starts to go to the counter, but I say, "I got this." And go to the counter. Keith looks surprised to see me at the counter. "Hi, I have your jacket right here." I say quietly avoiding eye contact. "Oh... um... thanks... do... do I know you?" he asks sounding confused. "NO!" I say a little too loudly. "Wait... you're that kid, from high school. The one who tried to..." "Kill myself." I finish. "yup too bad I didn't finish the job. Bye Keith." I say and run into the street. I get hit almost immediately. I don't wake back up.

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