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    Sunlight is so often described as soft and pleasant. They leave out how it causes awful diseases, and scorches you until you burn. I have cancer. It started as skin cancer... you guessed it... from the sun. But just before I started the garrison the doctors told me that it had moved into my muscles and some of my bones. I went anyways. I had a 100% fatality rate. I was going to die. So I was going to die doing what I loved, flying. Then we got blasted into space, and no more medication, no more doctors... I was going fast. First it was my weight. I couldn't eat, it made me sick so I lost weight. Then my hair slowly started to go. I cried the most over my hair. I knew that it would fall out. because I started chemo before I left earth. But I wasn't prepared for the shock of it with no support. So now I am curled in a ball with a handful of my hair on the floor beside me. I am sure I am hysterics. "Lance?" I hear a voice call from the other side of my door. "Hunk?" I asked softly. "Yeah buddy it's me. Can I come in?" He asks. "Oh yeah.." I say and don't get up. The door slowly opens and light comes in but it isn't sunlight. We are in space there is no sun. "Oh Lance..." he says when he sees me. He knew I had skin cancer before, but I told him that it had gone away, he still thinks that is why I do my skin routines... but now it is just out of habit... "how long lance?! How long has this been going on?" He asked, obviously trying not to cry. "Um since earth." I say very softly. He crashes onto the ground next to me. "Hunk?" I whisper. "Yeah buddy?" He says. "I don't want to die before I see the sun again." I say curling into myself. "I won't let that happen." He says firmly, but we both know there's nothing he can really do. "On the bright side, I think we can calm you space grandpa now... and you can boss Shiro around." I giggle a little. "Do you think I should tell them?" I ask hunk. "Yeah lance. We all love you, imagine how upset you would be if one of us died from cancer and you didn't even know we had it." "Ok... I will, I'll tell them... will you? Umm come with me?" I asked quietly. "Of course what are friends for." He smiles softly. Gripping my hand, hugging  me tightly. "Let's get you a hat first though Casanova." He jokes and I grin. We run to get the hat and I am so happy that part of the sun is back and I can live the rest of my life in the sun.

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