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Sweat was running down lances face, and his muscles aches and cramped heavily, but lance just kept training. He never looked down or around just stared at the training bot menacingly. He was feeling worse and worse as the training went in but he didn't stop. "Ok paladins that's enough for today" Allura's voice called over the speakers. "Alright team how about we do a bonding exercise!" Shiro suggested. "Hey Shiro," Lance asked shakily, causing the older man to turn and look at him, "I am really not feeling too hot, could I go lie down for a while." "Whatever Lance." Shiro says rolling his eyes. Lance wanted to cry at the dismissal but didn't and took his blessing and left. As he walked out of the door he heard the others complaining about how lazy he was or how he was such a disappointment. It hurt very much but he knew it was true. Once he got to his compartment he curled up in a ball on his bed and took a couple of the space equivalently Advil. Then he went to sleep.when he woke up the next morning he felt like he couldn't move. "Nonononono, it cant be back no! Not now!" He murmured crying a little. But instead of wallowing in self pity he got out of the bed, no matter how much it hurt. Put on clothes and walked to breakfast. When hunk saw him his eyes widened and he immediately went to hug lance. When he did lance broke down sobbing on his friends shoulder. Everyone else looked confused but Hunk took his friend into a different room and set him down on his lap, holding his best friend and letting him cry. "It's back isn't it." Hunk whispered. Lance nodded and curled his knees to his chest. "Everything hurts hunk. Everything. It hurts to move and even breathe." Lance stuttered out. "I know buddy I know. It's gonna be ok. You can't do training today lance. You can't." "Ok." Lance muttered still clinging to his larger friend. "Thanks hunk." He said with a small bit still pained smile. "Anytime buddy." Hunk stared firmly. Now you go to bed, and I am going to training. "Ok hunk." Hunk then walked out of the room and met the others in the training room. "Lance will not be training today." Hunk said solemnly but the others just scoff. "Lance is gonna get behind." Pidge said a little irritated but also obviously worried about her friend. But the others were worse. "Really again god I didn't think he was that lazy!" Keith said mockingly. "He should be at training, I can't believe him!" Allura said reproachingly but not as harshly as Keith. "Yeah if he doesn't train he will be more useless than he already is to the team." Shiro says with an eye roll and Hunk had had enough. "For your information guys, Lance could barely move this morning! He has Osteosarcoma ok!! He can't come to training, he was going to anyways but I made him promise me not to! So fuck off. Plus when was the last time lance was sick? Huh do you even know? No you don't because he wouldn't complain about it unless he was in the kind of pain he was in today! Now I am going to go help lance." Hunk finished and stormed off. "Pidge...." Keith asked sheepishly and a little afraid. "What's Osteosarcoma?" Keith asked. "Pidge turned with tears streaming down her face. It's cancer Keith. It's bone cancer." Keith's eyes widened and he looked so guilty he almost fell over. "Oh my god I need to apologize to lance. I was so mean. And I didn't even mean it. Not to mention he could die and all he would think of me is that I was mean and thought he was stupid and lazy!" Keith rushed off. Shirk just stood there. Breathing, like he couldn't process it. "He... he has cancer?" Shiro almost asked himself "I should have known! God I should have known. The weak spells, not eating much, dizziness, nosebleeds god I should have known. I can't lose someone else." And he too rushed off to find lance. Allura not knowing what "cancer" is trying to comfort Pidge.

When bunk entered lances room lance was asleep but had a burning fever. Hunk cooled down the room and piled his friend with blankets. Soon after he did this someone knocked at the door quietly. It was Keith. "Can I come in." He asked shyly. Hunk opened the door. "I'm gonna leave... if you hurt him.... I hurt you." Hunk finished and left lance and Keith alone. Lance was still asleep and so Keith talked to a not so asleep lance. "I know you're asleep and I will say some of this again when you're awake, I am so sorry. I know I sound mean a lot and I can be kind of antisocial,but your actually one of the people I am closest to in this world. I hope someday you can forgive me. I love you lance." He finishes and kisses lances burning forehead. "Forgive you keef, love you to." Lance mumbled into his pillow and Keith lights up with a bright blush. After lance really goes to sleep another knock comes to the door. "Hey Shiro." Keith said not leaving lances side sitting by the bed. "He will forgive you ya know" Keith said softly. "I know, but he shouldn't." "Maybe your right, but he will anyways." "Can you two just shut up pronounce your love for me and one another and come cuddle me it's cold!" Lance yells or whisper yells? Yelling for him right now. Keith and Shiro blush Scarlett but so what lance says. Later hunk walks in to the three of them tucked in it each other lance in the middle. Pidge takes a picture. The end.

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