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            When Lance got back from the last mission on Voltron everything seemed fine. Soon; however, it became clear that something was seriously wrong. He started to see things... things that weren't there. To be honest lance was scared, in fact, he was absolutely terrified, he had tried to get the others attention a few times, to tell them the situation, but as always a they had only told lance to shut up. Lance knew the games were on the castle, he just knew. He had heard them talking and conspiring. He knew he would have to kill them.... he had begun to track the galra, until he finally got to the training room. There they were! The team of 6 galra that had invaded the castle. Lance didn't quite know what to do without his team,so he went in shouting from the start. "Why are you here?! And what have you done with my team?!" Lance yelled. Then he shot them all. One by one. He had defeated the galra! His friends would be so proud. Then his eyes cleared a bit. He blinked a couple of times, and then he cried out in agony. His friends, they were all dead. Wait, he had done this!!! He didn't know what to do... so he aimed the gun at his own head, and fired.... the end...

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