I got tagged!!!

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Ok so @DatBlueBerry tagged me so here we go!

1) do I have a crush?
Umm not really honestly I am too busy for romance right now...

2) middle name?
It's Corinne!

3) height?
I am approximately 5'9"

4) shoe size?
(Shoe size doesn't matter...😂😂) but I wear 10 1/2s.

5) eye color?
It's hazely blue

6) last time I cried?
Umm I don't know... last episode of Merlin I think... so like two years ago...

7) biggest fear?
My biggest two fears are Cleithrophobia, the fear of being trapped, and Genophobia, the fear of sex... or of intimacy in any form...

8) last song I listened to?
Umm dying in LA by PAN!C at the disco

9) last person I texted?
My dad

10)favorite app?
Wattpad or Pinterest.

And that's it!! Look out for my next chapter!!

_TheFujoshi_ That_One_Gay_Trash canttouchthis36

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