Nervous Habbits

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Peter Parker was known for a few nervous habits. The Avengers were able to pick up on them fairly easy.

When they first met the boy he wouldn't stop rubbing his arms. He'd switch from one arm to the other and stutter a bunch. They found that if Peter were to ever rub his arms, he was nervous about something.

The next nervous tick that they picked up on was neck rubbing. Something he picked up from Tony. First it started off once every now and then, but they all saw it quickly become a habit. Natasha pointing it out to the others (Rohdey and Sam) when they didn't pick up on it. And honestly, they found it rather cute how much Peter looked up to Tony and tried to be like him. Whether he means to or not. When Peter rubs his neck, he's usually guilty or sheepish about something.

The final tick they all picked up on was the hand wringing. Surprisingly, it was Sam that caught on first.

Peter spent a lot of time in the labs with Tony and Bruce when he wasn't patrolling, at school, or hanging out with his Super Family or Aunt May. It was the week Tony was gone on buisness that Peter started doing it. Whenever he was a scared or a worried nervous he would pace and wring his hands. Something he clearly picked up from Bruce.

They all began noticing how he would do little things that they usually did when feeling a certain way.

In a tense situation, he jokes like Clint. When he gets too stressed he trains like Nat and the Cap. He paces like Rohdey when bored and bounces his leg like Sam when he's impacient.

But the one thing no one knew about Peter was what he did when he was alone. How he coped by himself.

It was during a mission when they found out. They didn't listen to Peter when he warned them about the trap. They had thought it was his nerves talking.

So when they did get captured in the Gravity Belt they were embarrassed and ashamed with themselves. They had tried to reassure Peter through the com's but with the Gravity Belt pushing them into the ground they were, understandably, limited on oxygen.

"Pourquoi ne les écoutent-ils jamais? Je les ai prévenus! Qu'est-ce que je suis censé faire maintenant? Je ne suis pas assez fort pour affronter les gars tout seul!"

At first they were confused. Who was speaking? But when a grunt cut through the fast gibberish they realized it was Peter.

"He's speaking French." Black Widow supplied breathlessly. Trying to decipher Peter's fast paced words while also focusing on breathing.

"Qui pensez vous être? Ow! Cela fait mal au bâtard! Ugh, c'est tellement nerveux!! Si seulement je pouvai- Oh, hé! Cela fonctionnera." Natasha would've laughed at the rollercoaster of emotions Peter just displayed if she wasn't slowly loosing consciousness.

Just as she was about to black out, the crushing weight was lifted and air flooded her lungs.

The grunts of fighting could still be heard along with some dull French but the Avengers were too busy coughing and catching their breaths to do much of anything.

Soon though, they were able to join the fight once more and Peter went back to cracking jokes and making movie refrences in English.

They were on the Quinjet home when they heard Peter speaking French again. His head was in his hands and he was muttering quick words to himself.

"Kid?" Tony approched his protege but Peter made no sign that he heard his mentor speak. "Pete." The whispers only increased and Peter's girp tightened on his hair.

"I think he's having a panic attack!" Bruce rushed over to Peter and dropped to his knees infront of him. "Peter! Peter, clam down! Your okay!"

"Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas écouté? Ne me laisse pas comme Ben. Pleaee, pas toi aussi."

"Wh-what? What's he saying?" Bruce turned to the two spies on the team. Clint looked pained and Natasha's experssion was unreadable like usual.

"Tout est de ma faute. Si seulement je leur disais plus tôt. Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde est proche de mourir?"

Natasha took a breath, heasitent to say anything. "He... He thinks it's his fault we got caught. He's saying he doesn't want us to leave like Ben. And that..."

"That everyone he get's close to dies." Clint finished sadly.

They all looked to Peter sadly. "Ben? Who's Ben?" Bruce asked, trying to push forward and calm Peter down.

"It's his Uncle." It was Tony who spoke this time. "He blames himself for his Uncles death."

"How'd he die?" Sam asked.


Bruce turned back to Peter. "Hey. Peter, listen to me! It's not your fault, you warned us okay? We're alive, were okay, were right here."

Peter finally looked up. His gaze was shy and hesitant, as if he was afraid that they all wouldn't really be there. "That's right! See? We're all here. We're okay!"

"Tu vas... bien?"

"Ya," Natasha strode forward and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "On va bien."

Peter slupmed forward and Tony was quick to sit down and pull him into an embrace. "On va bien." He dumbly repeated, hoping it would keep his kid calm.

Natasha answered his silent question with a fond look to Peter. "It means, we're okay."

"On va bien." Tony repeated with more force. Hugging Peter tighter to get the message across as best he can.

A horse chuckle came from said boy, "You can speak English ya know? Your accent's terrible."

They all breathed a sigh of relief and Tony laughed. "Hey! I tried okay?"

"Besides, when did you learn French?" Rohedy asked, staring at the boy curiously.

Peter took a deep breath and sighed, leaning further into Tony's embrace. "I've been studying it since I was 13. I promised Aunt May I would take her to Paris one day. I figured the best step to getting there would be to learn the language first."

They all smiled at the kids kindness and devotion to his Aunt.

And Tony made a mental note to buy tickets to Paris for Peter and May when summer rolls around.

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