My Kid (2)

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A part 2 was requested by fatinkimkai and kiara242004. I hope they like it!

After their first interaction the Rouges didn't see much of Peter. The boy would only appear out of nowhere for food or coffee (for Tony).

"What is even his name?" Clint growled, aggregated with the whole situation. Even Fury was unaware that Tony had any love children.

Sam shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows. Do you think he's even real? What if it's one of Tony's robots?"

"Be realistic guys," Wanda played with her magic, rolling a cup around in mid air. "I can feel his emotions. He's real."

"I hope I am." The group of rouges spun around to see a wide eyed Peter. "Those were some awesome conspiracy theories though!" Peter grinned and went to the fridge, pulling out multiple lunchables and snacks.

Clint stood and crossed his arms, "Who are you?"

Peter grinned, "His kid." He gestured to the doorway just as Tony walked in.

Tony smiled, "Yup." He ruffled Peter's hair. "My kid." He swiped a pudding cup from Peter's pile, dodging a scolding hand.

"Ugh! That's not what I meant!" Clint made a choking motion making Tony laugh.

Peter frowned at Wanda, "Can you kindly stay out of my head?" Wanda blinked in surprise from being caught. "I'm really possesive of my privacy."

Tony growled, "Stay out of my kid's head! I won't warn you again." He grabbed a cup of coffee and wrapped an arm around Peter. "Come on kid, let's finish those updates." The two left for the labs, leaving even more confused and frustrated rouge Avengers behind.

Line Break

The next time the rouges had a conversation with Tony's secret kid was when they found him standing on the balcony having a chat with Loki.

Peter stood protectivly infront of Loki, blocking him from the weapons aimed at him. "Get out of the way kid!" Sam growled, glaring at Loki.

"No." Peter crossed his arms. "Loki is not to be harmed. He's a friend."

Clint sputtered, "FRIEND?!"

Peter nodded, "I know what he has done but I have forgiven him. Tony is fine with him being here so you should be too. This is Tony's Tower, so the least you could do to repay him for being a good host is respecting his wishes."

Loki smirked from beind Peter, "Thank you brother Peter." Loki set a hand on Peter's shoulder.

Peter nodded, "Of course!"

"HA!" Clint pointed at the teenager. "Your name is Peter!"

Peter frowned, "I know."

Loki rolled his eyes, "Ignore the archer brother. He is a little slow."


Thors booming laugh made the rouges turn to see Thor laughing at something Bruce said. "That was quite amusing friend Banner!" Bruce chuckled quietly, ringing his hands.


The scientist looked up with fond surprise. "Hey guys."

"When did you get back??"

"Just a few hours ago."

Peter and Loki quietly finished their conversation. Loki snuck something into Peter's pocket and then they quickly joined the current conversation. "Brothers!" Thor pulled Peter and Loki into a hug. "Have you met the new recruits?!"

Peter laughed at the rouge's offended faces, "We have!"

Thor dropped the two and grinned happily, "Excellent!" Thor picked his hammer up off the coffee table, "Man of Iron has given you permission to join us on our mission!"

Peter squealed, "Really?!" Thor nodded with an everlasting grin. "Yes!! Alright, let's go!!" Peter was jumping in place causing Loki to chuckle quietly, which was drowned out by Thor thunder like laughing.

"Patients, young warrior. You must put your armor on!"

"Oh!" Peter clicked a button on his bracelets, the Iron Spider suit quickly engulfing him. "Ok, let's go!"

"Be careful!" Tony scolded, sensing his renegade son was about to leave for a mission.

"I will-uhhh!!" Tony, Bruce, Loki, and Thor all laughed at the teen's inpatients. The three went to the balcony and Thor rose his hammer. "Bye dad!!" Then in a flash of light they were gone.

"He's Spiderman?!" Steve yelled, feeling scandalized.

"No." Tony frowned in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you? He's my kid."

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