Lock Down

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Sorry that this is not a request! My school had a lock down drill recently and I thought I'd do a chapter on what that'd be like for Peter if it was the real deal. Hope you enjoy!

The girls breathing was heavy and ragged. Peter mentally winced everytime she took a breath in.

She was one of the lucky few that hadn't been found by the armed intruders. There was at least 10 men of differnt sizes armed with machine guns. His school had gone on lockdown, unfortunately it was during lunch so not many people got to hide. Even if they did, a man would periodically come into the cafiteria, leading a group of students at gun point.

"That all of them?" A gruff voice calls out to the men in the hall.

"Believe so!"

Peter calmly looked around, all the erratic heartbeats annoying him slightly. As he assesed the crowd of students he absently listened to the intruders.

"We should make the call now. Get the ransom money and leave through the back."

Ned and M.J were hudled together, one of the smaller men standing next to them. Ned looked terrified, his wide eyes watery but never crying. He constantly glanced at Peter, calmed slightly by his best friends lax expression.

M.J was put together little better. While she was clearly scared, she kept her heart calm, taking deep breaths, and made sure to watch the guard next to them closely.

"Ya, I'll get J to send out some fake shots."

A few kids in the back were shakily recording the experiance. Dumbasses. Peter rolled his eyes, subconsciously seeking out Flash.

"Hey..." The man's tone of suspicion evaded Peter when the teen saw Flash furiously typing on his phone, not even trying to hide it. Some worry creeped into Peter, Flash was an ass but he didn't deserve to die. "This kid is too calm."

Peter turned to see who they were talking about. His eyes widening when he saw the two men looking at him. Even the guy next to Ned and M.J wondered a little closer.

The buffest man yanked Peter up, the guy he was talking to aiming a gun at Peter's forehead. Gasps and little shouts sounded around the room. "What's your name?" The man with the gun demanded.

Peter stared silently, not really knowing why he was waiting to answer. "Peter."

The man holding him punched him across the face; a girl sobbed. "Don't be fucking smart with us boy!"

Peter gave the man a blank stare. His mind was too busy running plans on how to get everyone out safley to give a snarky remark. The man punch Peter again, "Did you fuckin' hear me?!" The man bellowed.

"Ow." Peter glared, "Can you not yell in my ear? I heard you."

"You little shit." The man pulled out a gun and shot Peter in the thigh. Peter gritted his teeth, not muttering a sound. He took the bullet with pride, knowing if he would've moved the freshmen behind him would've died. "Did that hurt?" The man mocked, getting in Peter's face.

Taking a steadying breath Peter responded, "No, you yelling in my ear did. You breath is singing my nose hairs now though, so can you back up? You're in my personal bubble."

Peter wished he had a filter. He really did. Punches, kicks, pain, was all he felt after. Screams and sobs came from his classmates but Peter never uttered a sound.

"Boss!! The Avengers are on the phone!"

The man that was abusing Peter quickly went to the phone, "What?" He snatched the cheap piece of tech from his friend.

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