My Kid

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This is another request from Life_is_stupid_713. I hope they enjoy!!

Peter and Tony had had an amazing week. Tony took Peter on a business trip to Italy and showed him the sites. They stayed in a five star hotel suite for four days before they flew back to New York. Once they did get back, they spent the next two days upgrading everything from their suits and their A.I's to the Tower's security. Today was the last day of their blissful week-long vacation and they were doing nothing but being lazy.

Peter laughed, catching a gummy bear in his mouth. "Oooh! Score!!" Tony fist bumped the air causing Peter to laugh more. "Ok. Ok. One more trick shot." Peter rolled his eyes but got ready to dive for another fruit flavored bear. Tony jumped off the couch, spun, and threw the gummy bear. Peter had to run, jump over the coffee table, then dive to catch the sweet in his mouth. In the end he hit his head on the wall. "Hahaha! Oh, nice one Pete!"

Peter scoffed and rubbed his head, "Thanks dad, but can we watch our movie marathon now?"

Tony chuckled, "Sure kid." He had F.R.I.D.A.Y play the first movie to Harry Potter while he grabbed the bowls of candy. "Pete! Pizza now or later?!"

"Later!" When Tony re-entered the lounge he saw Peter finishing up the blanket and pillow set up that he ruined with his last trick shot. "Come on, it's about to start!"

Tony chuckled and joined the teen on the couch; slinging an arm over Peter's shoulders.

"Alright. You hold this." Tony passed Peter the bowl of Reeses, Starbursts, and Crunch Bars. He held the bowl of Tootsie Rolls, Hershey Bars, and Musketeer Mini's. With a sigh they both snuggled closer to one another, content with the weeks events.

Line Break

They made it to Dumbledoor pulling Harry's name out of the Goblet of Fire when Team Cap entered through the elevator. "Uhh..." Clint cleared his throat making the father/son duo spin around. "Who's that?"

Tony frowned, "My kid."

"Your kid?"

"My kid."

Peter smiled and waved, "Hey guys!" He hopped over the couch, Tony following. "I forgot you were officially cleared today. Did everything go smoothly? I know Ross was bent against letting you guys get pardoned."

The rouge Avengers blinked, not knowing what to say. Tony placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, obviously proud. "Peter helped get you guys cleared. He read over the accords and found many flaws. The only reason Ross isn't behind bars is because he paid off the judge to postpone the court date."

Sam's jaw dropped, "You did what?"

Peter smiled, "Yeah!" Stepping forward his happy face dropped into a scary glare. "But if you ever hurt Tony like that again you will be shipped out of this country so fast you'll get whiplash." He grinned, "Welcome back!" He turned back to Tony who had a warm smile on his face. "I'm going to do my rounds dad."

"Okay, be safe." The group watched Peter leave. Tony slowly turned to the rouges, a smug smile on his face. "Well," Tony popped a reeses in his mouth. "I didn't touch your rooms. Have fun." He walked off, leaving some baffled Avengers behind.

"His kid?"

I hope everyone enjoyed!!

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