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Peter rolled out of bed, falling to the ground with a thud. He looked up at the ceiling blankly, really not wanting to move or face the day. He breathed deeply, thinking of the days events that have yet to come. He had a quiz in first, a project to present in second, lunch time hindrance with his bully Flash, an important test in third and (thankfully) a free period for fourth. Peter closed his eyes and prayed to Thor to come save him from this dreadful day that hasn't even started.

Please, please, please. I really don't want to do this today. I need a break, a distraction. I'm tired of being okay all the time.

With a sigh he stood, he knew nothing would happen and that he'd have to face the day. He gently chided himself for the end of the prayer being so angsty. He was fine, he just tended to be dramatic and negative when he woke up dreading the day. He knew that about himself and was glad that he reprimanded himself; he really needed to stop being so negative.

Shuffling over to his closet Peter grabbed a science pun shirt, sliding a soft green sweater on over it. He slid on a pair of form fitting jeans that were discarded on his floor and finally slid on his vans. Lazily pulling on his book bag and grabbing his phone from the charger, he walked into the kitchen; a note from his Aunt taped to the fridge.

Dear Petey,

Sorry I can't make you breakfast this morning, I was called in early. Please eat something before leaving! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all. Love you! Have fun at school!
-Best Aunt Ever

Peter smiled at the note and grabbed a slice of bread for his Aunt's sake. Scribbling a heart on the note he left the apartment, locking the door behind him. He glanced at his watch, smiling when he noticed he had ten minutes to get to school when the walk was only six minutes. See? He snarked to himself. The day won't be that bad.

Line Break

Wow. Peter thought as he trudged into his third period. Today really was a shitty day! He knew he failed the FIFTY QUESTION LONG quiz in first and was livid when he found out his partner in second didn't even do his half of the project, so the presentation grade was defiantly an F as well. He got no lunch as usual which upset him more than usual which was weird. His stomach grumbled as he sat down and he scowled. Not now enhanced metabolism! Can't you see that I'm brooding? 

"Alright class! Phones away and clear your desks!" Peter sighed and did as he was told, taking out a pencil. "You will have the whole class period to complete this and if I catch you looking at another person's test you get an instant zero! Am I clear?!" The class chimed their acknowledgments, waiting for the starting signal. "Ok, you can flip your papers and start." 

Peter flipped his paper and began working. He answered question after question, filling in the small circles after doing intense math on a sheet of scratch paper. He was on question 73 when heavy footsteps drew people's attention toward the door. The teacher frowned at the disruption and went to open the door when the door flew open. Everyone was startled and didn't know how to react when the tall blond God entered the room. He scanned the class of students, beaming when he saw Peter. "Brother!" Peter didn't have the shame to act bashful or embarrassed. He was actually relieved to have Thor barging in his life right now, even if he was taking a test.

Peter smiled, "Hey Thor!" Thor's grinned widened and he stomped over to Peter, the classes jaws dropped as they watched the interaction. "What are you doing here?" Peter asked politely, not wanting to come off as rude but honestly curious.

"I received your prayer! I am sorry I couldn't come earlier, Loki was being mischievous as always and I had to fix his mess." Thor didn't sound bothered by cleaning up after Loki but he sounded really guilty for not coming sooner.

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