Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out

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Ok, so this is the first request I have the honor of doing! The request was made by iamKhrfan123 and I hope they like it!!


Career day. It was the one day out of the year that Peter hated. Don't get him wrong! He loves his Aunt to death and appreciates her and all she does. However it makes Peter think. Think about all the kids and their parents. Mom's and Dad's and happy familes...

Mom's and Dad's.

He hated this year more than the rest due to the fact that Aunt May would be unable to attend. She got offered an increddible opportunity to work at a new hospital in Washington for 2 weeks and Peter wasn't going to take that from her. Especially over something so stupid. He could deal with the extra comments Flash will no doubt make on the fact that he's parentless.

Besides, it wasn't all so bad. Peter was currently residing at Avengers Tower until his Aunt got back. Peter sighed and shifted in his seat. He would need to visit them today. He always did on Career Day.

"-And don't forget! Tomorrow is Career Day! Make sure your parents see the remind forms I have Sarah passing out." Mr. Dials lectured, giving all the students a warning look. "To be safe, I've sent out an email to all of your parents!" A few kids groaned at that. "Ya ya, I know. Life's unfair." The bell rung and Peter was quick to leave, only grabbing a sheet for Ned who was currently at a family wedding.

Peter thought that he would make it to Happy without trouble today but his Parker Luck would never allow such a blessing. "Hey Penis!" Peter's Sidey Senses flared in warning and he had to physically hold himself back from defending himself.

Flash slammed Peter into the lockers causing the boy to groan. "Hey Flash." He sighed heavily through his nose, "'S been a while. How's it goin'?"

Flash sneered at Peter, "So, who's coming to Career Day, huh?" Flash slammed Peter into the locker again. "Mommy or Daddy? Oh wait..." He and his two lackeys laughed loudly at that.

"Very original." Peter stated dryly. "Can I go now? Happy's waiting and he hates it when I keep him-" A punch to the gut had him doubled over in pain. "...waiting." Peter wheezed/coughed.

"Shut up Penis. Nobody gives two shits about you." Flash scoffed and backed up, "Like anyone would ever wait for you." He shook his head and walked off.

Peter sighed and rolled his shoulders. He could feel the light tingle of his new bruises healing. No doubt they'd be gone within the hour.

Adjusting his backpack strap, Peter made his way to the big double doors leading out of the school. He saw Happy's slick black Audi a few feet from the entrance. Happy honked at him and made an angry gesture to hurry up. Peter quickly scammpered over to the car and hopped in. "Sorry Happy, a teacher wanted to talk to me."

Happy scowled but was still curious, "Teacher? Did you get in trouble?"

"No, he was just reminding me of tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?" Happy furrowed his eyebrows. As far as he knew, Peter's schedual was the same as always.

"Nothing." Peter shook his head and shoved the reminder he grabbed for Ned in his bookbag.

Happy wanted to protest but Peter shoved his headphones in and looked out the window. Happy sighed, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Stark that the kid wasn't acting right. Peter would never give up the opportunity to talk his ear off. With one last concerned look to Peter, Happy drove towards the compound.

Once the too silent car ride (in Happy's opinion) came to an end Peter thanked him for the ride and got out. He took out his ear buds and mustered up what happiness he had left in the day. Getting in the elevator Peter put on his happy face and prepared to hang out with his Super family.

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