Infinity and Beyond

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Bright white, unbearable pain. That's all Peter felt before it was black.

Pitch, suffocating, endless void of black. That's what Peter had to sit through for what could've been as short as minutes or as long as hours before orange invaided his senses.

A beautiful sunset orange for the sky. Pale, sunbleached orange for the sand he was sitting in. That's all Peter saw as he got up and walked on for hours. After a while even the prettiest shades of orange begin to hurt your eyes.

Peter didnt know how long he had been walking. His legs shook and his feet ached. Doing a full 360 Peter could concure that there wasn't another soul in sight. He was alone. Peter hated being alone just as much as he relished in it. Being alone, was something you had to be in the mood for. Right now Peter wanted nothing more than to be with someone. Hell, he'd even take Flash.

Peter sighed, just as he was about to sit down he heard shouting. It was faint, but it gave Peter hope.


Peter began to sprint in the direction of the angry voices.


The voices got slightly louder and he could see pinpricks of color in the distance.

I don't want to be alone!

The closer he got the more he recognized the voices and figures.

I don't want to be left behind!!

"How in the hell would that work?!" Sam shouted, his arms in the air, nose to nose with Ant Man.

"Guys!" Bucky yelled, demanding attention. When they looked to him he gestured to Peters approaching form.

"Peter!" Wanda ran over to Peter and engulfed him into a hug. She pulled away and cupped Peter's masked face. "Oh hun, I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have happened to you."

Peter shrugged, "It's okay. The pain wore off a while ago."

"Pain?" A girl that stood next to Ant Man asked.

Peter nodded, "Yea, right before... this happened?"

"Pete." Peter turned to a worried Bucky. "There was no pain."


"He is right." T'challa spoke, his arms crossed. "It was painless."

Peter frowned, "Oh... Well... not for me." Peter gripped his arm as he remembered the excruciating pain he felt when he begged Mr. Stark to help him.

A wave of guilt hit Peter.

Mr. Stark.

Peter knew Mr. Stark couldn't do anything to help him. He knew Mr. Stark couldn't stop whatever was happening to him. But... he was just so scared! He really didn't want to go. He mindlessly begged for help in his panicked state. Peter knew without a doubt Mr. Stark would be blaming himself. He just hopped he wouldn't break his sober streak. He hoped he would continue to take care of himself and live on for Peter.

"I'm sorry." Peter didn't know who said that but he didn't care. It wasn't their fault. His anger flared thinking of that. Starlord. Or whoever that jerk was. It was his fault. Peter alomst had it! If he-

Letting out a heavy sigh Peter pushed his thoughts aside. Now wasn't the time to get angry and start pointing fingers. They needed to stay rational. By the shouting contest the others were having he could tell he was the only one who thought so.


"Stay out of this Peter! We don't need a 16 year old kid trying to save out butts!!"

"17." Peter quickly defended. It was by impulse. He really didn't mean to say it.

"What?" Sam asked, finally turning to face Peter.

Peter sighed and slid his mask off. "... it's my birthday."

Everyone fell silent and stared at the kid in horor.

Peter wouldn't look at them though. He fiddled with his mask and gave a wet chuckle. "I was just coming home from a field trip when this happened." He gestured around them. "Aunt-" He chocked on another wet laugh. "Aunt May had a suprise party ready for me." A painful smile crawled onto Peter's face. "Ned was never good at keeping secrets."

No one knew what to say. I mean, what do you say to that? Peter sniffled and wiped his eyes, shoving his mask back on, mumbling about the sand getting in his eyes. "We need to stay calm. Shouting's going to get us nowhere."


Peter waved Wanda off. "Let's try to find other people. Maybe find more allies." Peter then began to walk away, now in the mood to be alone.

The others looked to eachother before they silently followed Peter.


How was it?? Was it good?? I saw the prompt on Google Images and thought 'Why not? Who doesn't love angst?' Anyways, hope everyone is having a fantabulous day!

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