"Mission" turned Mission

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Sorry for not posting for a while! Life's been really crazy. The drawings above are mine, sorry for the stiff art, I'm still working on it. This book will move kinda fast at first to get things going so I appologize if you don't like it. I hope you enjoy!!
Tony sighed, annoyed with everything as he shoved his phone back in his pocket. "Oh I'm sorry, are we interrupting somthing?" Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D, sassed during the Avenger's briefing that was currently being held.

Tony rolled his eyes, "Don't get your patch in a twist one eyed Willy. It's just the kid. He won't stop asking to go on missions."

Fury rolled his eye, "Right, well as I was saying, the rogue, corrupted agents have all been brought in but 3." Agent Hill stepped forward and handed everyone a file. "You all have been split into two teams."

"What about the third?" Captain looked up from the file.

"I have already choosen an agent for that."

Line Break

"He wants you to what?!" Ned whisper yelled, looking bewildered. M.J looked like she was already planning everything.

Peter nodded, "I know, I was really shocked too but I'm not about to back out!" Peter shoveled another mouth full of the school's spaghetti in his mouth. "I can finawy show Msher Shtak I'm capabal oo handle myswelf!"

M.J grunted, mildly disgusted, but used to, her friends ways. "Well, do you know what the game plan is? Who your tatget is? Anything??"

Peter nodded, "The file ish in meh bookbag." He swallowed hard, "Let's meet up at Ned's after school. I want to make sure we have everything planned, even if in the end the plan fails."

Both friends nodded and followed through with their plan. While the file didn't provide alot, it provided enough information to work with.

"I'm good." M.J looked at her handy work with a smirk as Ned took a picture. "Send that to me."

Peter scowled, "I don't like this."

M.J shrugged, "Who said this work was fun?" Ned giggled causing her smirk to turn into more of a smile. "For you."

Peter huffed and waved his hands, "Fine whatever! I'm gonna clean this stuff off. I leave tomorrow though so I'll test the Eve Drops during patrol." Ned nodded and watched Peter enter the bathroom to shower.

Line Break

It was finally time. Peter was pacing the shabby hotel in his drag. The Eve Drops he and Ned engineered were already on his ears. The magnetic spy devices looking like earings.

"Calm down Peter." M.J's voice flowed through his ears.

"Sorry, I- I've never... preformed... in front of people."

His best friends encouraging voice sounded, "Just pretend it's another class; or whatever you call it. You'll be great. The camera's are working perfectly and so is the audio. We'll be with you every step of the way."

Peter took a deep breath and nodded, tucking a strand of the long hair extentions behind his ear. "Ok." He breathed, taking out his discardable flip phone Fury assigned him. He called the only contact, the phone picked up on the second ring. "I'm about to head in."

"Ok, remember, only get the information you need. Don't push for anything unnecessary just to get dirt. If it's too much just walk away and call me." Fury's voice was clipped and to the point. Peter felt slightly defensive at Fury's last statment but knew the director just didn't want any complications. "Understood?"

"Yes sir."

Peter hung up and Fury smirked from where he stood in the helicarrier. Despite telling Peter he wanted to help prove Tony wrong, he actually wanted to prove to Peter that this wasn't a kid's game. He was positive that Peter would walk out as soon as he entered the shady Strip Club, which is why he already had an agent sitting at one of the far tables.

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