Spider Mom's Request

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Sorry for the looooong hiatus! I really am trying to get to everyone's requests y'all. Please just hang in there! Anyways! This one goes out to caity-devil788 and I hope they enjoy!


Peter was rushing around the Tower. He had one of Bruce's lab coats on due to his getting ruined with one of his experimental webs. The young hero had been going from floor to floor all day helping anywhere he could. Whether that was to grab a refill, help solve an equation, or mix deadly toxins, Peter was happy to help.

He was currently taking a break in the Avengers lounge room. Relishing in the unusual quiet; knowing that the Avengers would be back from their mission tomorrow. He was sprawled out on the couch when Natasha walked in. She paused upon seeing the teen; his hair was a sweaty mess, his chest taking larger breaths than normal, and his cheeks slightly flushed. "Бэби паук?" Peter lifted his head, startled by the sudden voice. Natasha strode forward and ran a hand through Peter's hair, subtly checking his temperature. "Are you feeling okay? You feel a little warm."

Peter beamed up at the assassin, "I'm fine! I've just been really busy. A little wore down, but I'll spring back in a few minutes."

Natasha gave Peter a small smile, "That's good."

Peter watched her look away and frowned. Natasha's usually tall posture was slumped slightly. She has soft dark spots under her eyes and a distinctly sad glint in them. Peter's eyes trailed down to her still present smile and noticed that even that seemed sad. Frowning more Peter propped himself up on his elbows, "Hey Nat? Are you okay?"

Natasha turned surprised eyes on Peter, "What? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Peter sat up and shrugged, shifting into a criss-cross position. "You just seem sad. Is there anything I can do?"

Pain flashed across her features and she looked away, "No... Peter there's not."

Wide worried eyes entered her vision as Peter walked in front of her. "Please Natasha? I'll do anything!"

Natasha smiled down at Peter, her heat swelling with affection for the bleeding hearted teenager. Pulling Peter into a hug Natasha prayed to whatever god existed, Please, she prayed, He's too good for this cruel world. Protect him for as long as you can. Pulling away from the hug she gave Peter a mischievous smile. "Well... There is one thing."


And that's how Peter found himself sitting on Natasha's bedroom floor. They were on the second Harry Potter movie (Chamber of Secrets) and Natasha was taking off his face mask. His hands were splayed out on his knees, letting his nails dry. His thumb was black with a red hourglass on it while the rest of his fingers were the same red as the hourglass.

Peter opened his mouth in the universal sign of 'feed me' and happily munched on the Cheeto Natasha fed him.

"Okay." Natasha grabbed a black and red fan from one of her draws and fanned Peter's face. "Once the moisture of the face mask dries we can get started on your make-up."

"Okay!" Peter called happily, turning just in time to see the golden trio take cover where Fluffy resided. "Oh snap. Either become a talented singer or dip outta there honey!" Peter called with a dopy grin.

Natasha snorted, "Please, Ron could never be a talented singer. Harry being in a band is a popular AU but realistically if any of them could sing it would be Hermione. Due to her studious tendencies though, she probably isn't good enough to sedate Fluffy."

Peter whined, "What?! With the amount of free time Harry spent in that damned cupboard?! He totally would have the superior voice!"

Natasha shook her head as she pulled out make-up pallets, "Nu-uh. Vernon and Petunia would punish him for making any noise."

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