The People or The Identity?

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This was requested by in_the_fandom_hole. I hope they along with everyone else enjoys!!
Peter slumped against the bus seat, he was exhausted. Patrol was a bitch, Aunt May was covering for a co-worker so he stayed out later than usual. Then, he ended up not sleeping at all because he had to do his homework.

Of course, he looked out the bus window, he was excited that their Field Trip was to the Tower. Any excuse to see his father figure and uncles was a good excuse in his opinion. A paper ball hit him in the back of the head.

Even if nobody believed him.

"Hey Penis! Ready to be exposed?!"

Peter sighs and opts to ignore Flash. He knew it was pointless to try and convince him otherwise. "Do you think we can sneak away to your private lab?? That would be so cool!!" Ned gushed quietly.

Peter offered a tired smile, "Maybe, 'm sure dad wouldn't mind." Ned grinned, deciding to not point out what his oblivious friend just called Mr. Stark.

"Maybe we can work on the new web fluid idea you had." Ned suggested. "Speaking of which, did you fix your shooters from last night's fire?"

Peter nodded, sneakily showing Ned his fixed shooters that seemed to be glued to his wrists. Afterall, Ned has never seen Peter without them. "Did it las' night."

Ned gave a breathy laugh, "You seemed to do everything but sleep last night buddy. You good?" Peter nodded, too tired to verbally respond. He didn't want to do any verbal activity today; but he wouldn't be mean to his best friend just because he didn't sleep.

"Alright guys!" Mr. Harrington stood as the bus came to a slow stop. "You know the rules. I'm not repeating them again! So, one slip up and it's back to the bus with you!" He gave the class a stink eye before clapping his hands. "Alright, let's go!" The bus driver opened the door and everyone filed out. "Hey, hey! Stick together, I have to do a role call before we go in!"

The class shuffeled in a big crowd of excited hormones. Peter and Ned stood off to the side, Michelle a few feet away reading a book. Once everyone was confirmed to be present Mr. Harrington corralled them inside. "We will be getting a special tour guide today." Mr. Harrington grinned, obviously pleased with himself. "We have the honnor of-"

"You can't just make up some excuse Tony!" Peter's eyes widened. Any fatigue he may have had gone.

"Go shove it Capsickle. I actually have a tour to lead." An annoyed Mr. Stark rounded the corner with a very angry 'Steve from Brooklyn' trailing after him. Peter wanted to step forward and tell Steve off but held himself back. He was puny, penis Parker now. Not mouthy, brave Spiderman.

Once Mr. Stark reached them he grinned his media grin. "Sorry about that." Cap looked baffled that Tony wasn't lying. "As you can see," Tony gestured to the famous Captain America. "Me and the Captain were just catching up." Tony's eyes scanned the crowd for Peter. Once they made eye contact Tony's smile became a bit softer and more genuine. "Hey Pete."

"Mr. Stark!" Peter grinned and easily weaved through the shocked crowd; dragging Ned with him.

Tony smiled, ruffling the teen's hair. "How's it been? Not causing too much trouble are you?"

Peter laughed, giving an innocent shrug. "Not really." He gestured to Ned, "I wanted to introduce you to my friends. This is Ned." He then gestured to M.J who followed Peter. "And M.J."

"Ah." Tony smiled at the two. "Peter's told me a lot about you two." He shook their hands; M.J having put her book away. "All good things."

Ned tripped over his words, desperate to say something. M.J, who kept her emotions more in check, laughed, "I don't think Peter is capable of saying anything bad about someone."

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