Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out (Part 2)

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Hello guys! iamKhrfan123 has requested a sequel to the first chapter so a sequel they shall get! I hope you guys enjoy!
After one of the best Career Days Peter has ever had, Flash left Peter alone. Weather it was because of his mother or the 3 weeks of I.S.S he got Peter didn't know.

Not that he really cared.

Peter's mood and health had greatly increased without the stress Flash had always given him. The Avengers were also happy with the kid's improvement.

He was more livly now that his body didn't have to use so much energy to heal Flash's wounds. He also trained more and did even better in class. Not that he was doing bad in the first place.

Peter was happy to say that his life was at a rather pleasant patch. He savored and enjoyed every minute of it, knowing with his luck that the pleasent, peacefulness would soon be brought to an abrupt end.

Only if he knew how literal his assumption had been.

Line Break

Peter had woken up on time for once, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes greeting him.

Peter smiled and got out of bed. He used the bathroom and walked out into the small living room of his shared appartment. Looking past the small kitchen island he saw his Aunt, dancing happily to the beat of the soft classical music she had playing.

Shuffling over Peter yawned, "Something smells nice." He greeted, startling his Aunt.

"Oh! Don't do the Peter!" May chuckled and finished cooking the last pancake. "I made pancakes." She pulled out a new bottle of whipcream from the fridge and wiggled her eyebrows.

Peter groaned, "Ugh, you're the best May." He greedily swiped the can from her and filled his mouth with the sweet foam.

"Hey!" She snatched it back, "It's for the pancakes." She scolded, filling her own mouth with the treat as she walked around the island to sit down.

Peter chuckled and slid the closest plate of pancakes to him. "Thanks for the breakfast Aunt May." He sprayed on the whipcream and took a generous bite, giving May a chubby cheeked grin.

May laughed and applyed her own whipcream to the pancakes. "Thank you for being up to eat them."

The rest of the morning was spent in peaceful silence. Peter got dressed, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and began to gather his things.

"Alright Peter." Aunt May walked into his room, clad in her hospital uniform. "I'm heading out, be good and don't be late to school."

"I won't." He smiled, exchanging hugs and kisses with his Aunt. "Be safe!" She waved and closed the door behind her.

With a content sigh Peter finished packing his bag and turned off all the lights. Locking the door behind him Peter left for school, taking his usual super-powered shortcut to school, despite not running late.

As usual he met up with Ned and MJ at the front; reciving shocked looks from his friends. "What?"

Ned blinked, "You're early."


Ned quickly rushed to Peter, placing a hand on his forehead. "Dude, are you okay?"

Peter shoved Ned away plaufully, "Stop. I can be early."

"Mmhm." MJ raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"I can! And if you must know, I'm just having an unusually good day." Peter shrugged, the small smile he's had all morning not leaving his face.

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