Past Skeletons

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This was requested by Life_is_stupid_713. Sorry it took so long to publish. I hope you enjoy!!

Peter shifted on the couch, his hot cocoa was clutched in shaking hands. With every crack of thunder Peter winced, silent tears dripping down his face. It was childish, Peter knew. He was slightly ashamed of his irrational fear, but knew there was a (slightly) good reason behind it.

While he didn't remember his parents, he knew enough about them to fear the very thing that took them. "Pete?" Thunder cracked and lightning flashed, briefly lighting the room. Peter whimpered, scooting away from the figure's silhouette. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" The figure approached and knelt before Peter; lightning briefly lighting Captain America's face.

"M-Mr. Rodgers?"

The silhouette nodded, "Yeah bud, it's me." Steve pulled Peter into a hug, "What's going on? Are you okay?" He gently pried the mug out of Peter's hands, the boy opting to clutch Cap's night shirt.

"'S th-the storm. Scared." Peter choked out, wincing as the crack of thunder rattled his skull.

Steve hummed, "It's okay to be afraid; but you know you're safe,right?"

Peter nodded, "'S jus-"He winced at another shot of thunder. "M' parents. th-ey... died... in a plane crash."

Steve connected the dots and hugged the boy closer, "They were in a thunderstorm." It wasn't a question. Peter nodded weakly against Steve's chest."Aw, Pete..."

He sniffled,"It's fIne. I actually d-don't remember th-th-them much." Peter took a deep breath, trying to calm his hiccups. "I-I've h-eard stories 'nd seen pictures but-" He whimpered, "N-No personal memories."

Cap frowned, "But-"

"I was four." Peter cut in. Already knowing the Captain's train of thought. "Aunt May and... my Uncle raised me." Peter sighed closing his eyes, letting his exhaustion overtake him; feeling safe in Steve's arms.

"I'm sorry Pete, I didn't know." Steve looked down to see Peter fast asleep and smiled. "I never really knew my parents either."

Line Break

The Avengers didn't realize just how little they knew about their youngest Avengers until Steve told them about what happened. Sure, they read the gist about the boy in S.H.I.E.L.D's file on him, but nobody knew his side of the story... his feelings.

"Hey guys!" Peter grinned at the group of Avengers, dancing towards the fridge. The team of heroes watched their youngest charge produce a pudding cup from the barren shelves. "How is everyone?" They felt bad; Peter always made a point to check up on them and ask how they felt. Even after the events of last night.

"Not too shabby, kid." Tony replied with his usual charisma. "How're you? Sleep well?"

Peter shrugged, easily deflecting the question. "'M good, slept as good as any other day I suppose." He smiled, "Can I go over to Ned's later today? He got a new Lego set."

Tony sighed,"Sure kid." He watched as Peter beamed and bounced out of the kitchen, towards the T.V.

Peter had happily plopped down on the large couch, using the remote to navigate channels.

"-uses it's host to-"

"-find the blue hexagon-"

"-has finally been caught and is currently in police custody." Peter's thumb froze as he stared at the photo next to the reporter. "Mr. Westcott is being charged for rape, agitated assault, and molestation of minors. This awful man what caught in the act at around 2:41p.m last night with 13 year old Jacob Thomas." A photo of the kid flashed up on the other side of the reporter. His resemblance to Peter when he was younger is uncanny. The sicko had a type. Peters eyes flicked back to the demon of his past. His white hair still groomed to perfection. "The police suspect that many others have fallen victim to Steven Westcott and urge them to step forward so Mr. Westcott will never be able to see the light of day again. In other news-" Peter muted the T.V and blankly stared ahead.

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