Yes Sir

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This is another request made by Life_is_stupid_713. As always, I hope they, along with everyone else, enjoys!

Peter was New York's golden boy. Adopted by Tony Stark in his teens, known for his dashing, yet nerdy appeal and amazing mannors. He was envied by men and lusted after by women (and some men as well).

The boy's I.Q surpassed that of his adoptive father's at the ripe age of 16. He was announced as an Avenger at 18. Peter Parker Stark was an anomly to all.

He wasn't revealed as Spiderman, the boy wanted that kept secret. He was known for being like Natasha. A sexy badass that can kick your ass at a moments notice.

However, nobody knew how to woo the man. Enimes and friends alike have tried to get a grasp on his heart, but nobody seemed to even get close to it. People would think the man is happily engaged if not for the fact he was never seen romantically involed with anyone.

I guess the Avengers wern't willing to accept that Peter had actually gotten good at lying and keeping secrets. Although, come on, one of his uncle's is the God of Lies.

Peter and the others were currently recovering from a bad mission. Everything went worng, hundreds were killed. Hydra had done something simillar to what Ultron was except they put a super computer into a person who they then injected with a serum that was supposed to make them like Peter, Cap and Bucky. Then something went wrong; the super computer was able to manipulate their cells so they gained a shapeshifting ability. Every last one of the Avengers were framed for crimes they didn't commit. Even Peter.

"Back to the barnhouse, Clint?" Tony looked to the driver seat of the Quin-Jet.

Clint sighed, "I supp-

"No." Peter re-entered the main room. He had gone inside an escape pod claiming that he needed to call Furry.

"Why, does Furry have a plan?" Clint seemed hopeful.

Peter shook his head and took over driving. "No, I have a place we can go though. One even Furry doesn't know about."

Tony frowned, approaching his son. "What are you talking about Pete?"

Peter sighed and bowed his head, "I uh, didn't want you finding out like this dad."

"Finding out about what?" Tony grew nervous.

Peter shifted, his eyes staying ahead of him. "You'll see... were still about a day and a half out but... you'll see."

Line Break

Peter cleared his throat. "Uh, okay guys. We're here." He shifted nervously and the others rushed forward. An elegant two story house stood before them. The middle back of the house had a metal covering and the wood looked pristine yet welcoming. There was a play set in the back of the house with a large shed over to the right. A grill was out, steady steam coming out if it. Butterflies were fluttering around the flowers in the open windows, an orange slice left out for them.

"Woah," Wanda looked down in awe as Peter landed.

"What is this Pete?" Tony asked.


Peter landed the jet and quickly ran off, the other's close behind. Entering the wooden house Peter smiled, "I'm home!"

Hard pitter patter of feet could be heard, "Daddy!!" A little girl with straight brown hair rushed into the room. Tony stared slack jaw as his son scooped her up.

"There's my favorite girl!" She giggled. "Hey, where's Pops?" She pointed to the hallway she came from and when everyone looked, Wade Wilson was leaning against the frame, a loving smile on his face. "Hey babe." Peter set the girl down walking to Wade. The man quickly pulled Peter to him as the couple shared a kiss. "I missed you." Peter mumbled against Wade's lips, going back in for another kiss.

Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now