Under Their Noses

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Ok, this is for Life_is_stupid_713 and imspidey150521. I hope they enjoy!!

Love is an indescribable and unmistakable feeling. It is having total acceptance of anothers being. Doing everything you can to better youself for not just your lover, but for yourself; your relationship. It's the small rituals you develop. The innocent touches exchanged. The pure and raw feeling of happiness that makes your heart clench. It's even the arguments you have over the small and stupid and the big and meaningful. Love, in its simplest form, is love. That's the beauty of it.

Such an incredible thing doesn't seem attainable. Not even real to some. To Peter Parker, a superhero teenager with everyday problems, it is unattainable; almost to the point of nonexistence. The only reason he believes in it is because he saw the way his Aunt and Uncle looked at eachother when Ben was alive.

To James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes love was nonexistent. It was an unrealistic image of an unattainable happiness that everyone wants. Also, one that he didn't feel he deserved even if it was real.

That was one thing the two had in commmon. Neither believed they deserved happiness. Maybe thats why they were both determined to prove the other wrong. Maybe that's why they both ended up falling in love. Both were in denial, of course. How could they find something that was unattainable, nonexistent? Much less deserve to keep such a gift.

However, after a month of denial they both gave into their temptations. They both wanted to 'be selfish' and keep the other for themselves.

Nither were complaining.

Peter hummed a faintly fimilliar tune as he shuffled around in their shared kitchen. Bucky watched on from the doorway fondly. Peter was in his boxers and one of Bucky's T-Shirts that stopped mid thigh. The smell of bacon and eggs made the older lover's stomach grumble. He moved forward, wrapping his arms around the younger male's waist, halting the swaying. "Smells delicious doll." Bucky kissed the teen's ear, Peter humming happily.

"Thanks." He moved the eggs onto their plates. "Aunt May taught me a few things." Turning the stove off, Peter twisted in Bucky's grip, wrapping his arms around the man's neck. "And someone's gotta make sure you eat."

Bucky chuckled and shared a sweet kiss with Peter. "Well it's lucky I have you then doll." He mumbled against Peter's lips.

Their appartment was warm and welcoming. Picture's of the two were scattered all around. Along with a group photo of the Avengers, Peter with his Aunt and Uncle, and Bucky with Steve (both when they were younger and now). Blankets were strewn across the back of the couch, a few shirts and socks here and there. Just little signs of a loving couple and a warm household.

They each had their own room, but preferred to sleep in their shared master bedroom. It was a decent appartment, one that only they and the landlord knew of.

Peter had 'allowed' Tony to finally convince him to let the man pay Peter for all the work he's done and all the money he has made Stark Industries. Peter felt extreemly guilty for doing this behind his mentor's back but it was a sacrafice he was willing to make. He and Bucky were getting tired of fleeting touches and brief kisses. They needed more physical contact, they needed their own space. To just be themselves. Bucky had gotten a low profile job to help pay for things in his need to provide. While it was unnecessary with the ridiculous amount Tony was paying Peter (despite the teens attepmts to lower his pay) the boy did not stop him. He knew it was good for Bucky, that Bucky needed this normality.

So the two had lived together, happily and privitly. Aunt May, of course, had known about them. How else would Peter be able to spend the night so much at the appartment? She flipped at first, but then after explaining her the situation and describing their feelings for one another she smiled. Her eyes were teary and she had hugged the two boys. Only telling Bucky to, "Treat my nefew right. He deserves it." When Peter had thanked her she waved him off saying that they were just like her and Ben.

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