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So, I'm going to just jump into this because I'm lazy and don't know how to build up to the climax. '\_(^w^)_/' Enjoy?
"What is it?" Peter inched closer to the swirling portal that stood tall in front of them.

"Peter!" Tony grabbed the teen's elbow and yanked him back. "Don't get too close."

"Interesting..." Doctor Strange circled the swirling multicolored circle before stopping before it. "It appears to be a rip in reality. Only it seems that this was deliberately done." He frowned, "This would take an extraordinary amount of power and magic without the reality stone."

Peter inaudibly whined about Doctor Strange being allowed near the portal. "Reality stone?" Tony ignored Peter and stepped forward. "What's that?"

"It's like my time stone." Strange briefly opened his locket to show the others the stone. "Except the reality stone controls reality. Just as the mind stone gave Vision life." He gestured to the floating android.

"How many of these things are out there?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms.

"Six. That's besides the point." Strange spun around and stuck his hand in the portal, pulling it out seconds later. "You will need to be careful near this portal. I have no idea where it leads and if you go through you may not come back." Doctor Strange let his warning hang in the air before continuing. "You can not move it, you will have to close the area around it off. Nobody can go in." He paused before adding, "And let's hope nobody comes out." Without explaining any more he made his own spinning portal and walked through it.

"I'll contact Fury." Natasha pulled out her phone and began to talk with the Director.

Tony sighed and glanced at the portal only to see Peter playing with it. The teen kept sticking different limbs through the portal, giggling quietly as he did so. "PETER!" The teen squealed in fright, jumping at the sudden noise. Right into the reality rip. "PETER!!!!" The team gasped and Natasha quickly hung up running forward. "Come on!!" Tony sprinted through the portal, the others right behind him.

Line Break

Peter's body tingled before he roughly landed on the grassy ground of the park they were in.

"Mister Stark!" Peter whined, rubbing his elbow. "Don't scare me like-" Peter stopped talking when he realized that nobody was around. "Mister Stark?" Peter stood up, "Guys?!"

"The reading says the anomaly happened somewhere near here." He heard a distant voice that sounded like Tony's.

"Mister Stark??" Peter called again, standing up. The Avengers rounded the corner, stopping at the sight of the spandex clad teenager. "Guys!" Peter ran forward, "Thank god! What happened to the portal? Where did you go? I was worried that-" Guns were instantly aimed at him. "Whoa!" Peter quickly jumped back.

"Who are you?!" Mister Stark shouted.

"What? Mister Stark it's me!"

He growled, "If you don't comply we will use force."

That's when Peter noticed. Tony's eyes, the warm, hot chocolate brown he loved wasn't there. Instead it was a cold silver that held no warmth.

Natasha's usually short red hair was now long and brown. Clint was now way shorter, Bruce looked extreemly cocky... it was all wrong.

Peter got into a defensive stance, "You aren't Mister Stark." He growled and his eyes skimmed over the imposters. "What did you do to them?"

Line Break

The others landed roughly in a dimly lit room. In fact, when they looked around they found that the only light sources was an old box T.V.

"Peter?!" Tony ran around the room, trying to find Peter. "What the hell?"

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