Puny Parker

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Hey guys! This was requested by Life_is_stupid_713. I am happy to say they are fans of WinterSpider as well. So, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

"Baaaaaabe." Peter weakly struggled to get out of his lover's grasp. "I have to get ready for school."

The arms around Peter's waist tightened and hot air was blown onto his ear, causing the teen to shiver. "Skip today, stay in bed with me." Peter was pulled onto a hard stomach and came face to face with his 4 month long boyfriend.

Peter gave him a lazy grin, kissing his lips tenderly. "I'd love to but I have a Spanish test. Hate for all of your hard work go down the drain." Peter gave him another tender kiss, "Besides, I was going to ask if you wanted to visit me during lunch? I'd like to show you off and officially introduce Ned and M.J to you."

Unique brown eyes, sprinkled with blue dots looked up at Peter curiously. "You w're?"

Peter was known to be humble, to never ask anything of anyone. The rare times Peter wanted to be selfish, The Avengers, his boyfriend more so, would always fulfill his wishes.

"Ya," Peter stroked his boyfriends cheek lovingly. "You don't have to if you don't want to though."

"I'll be there." The man replied instantly.

Peter laughed, "I knew you would."

A metal hand cupped Peter's face and brought him down for a passionate kiss. "I'd do anything for you doll."

Peter grinned, "Then let me get ready for school."

Bucky groaned loudly, allowing Peter to climb off him. Laughing, the teen went over to the dresser in their shared room and pulled out the skinny jeans Bucky loved; pulling them over his Ironman themed boxers. Peter carelessly strolled up the wall, untangling his backpack from the web he used to keep it there.

"I love you." Peter's face instantly flushed. The couple only just started saying that freely to eachother last month. Peter shyly looked over at Bucky, his bookbag now clutched to his exposed chest.

Bucky was sitting up now, the pale lavender blanket pooled teasing at his waist. His wild dark brown hair curled in his face and his muscles flexed with every breath.

"I love you too." Peter replied, completly meaning it.

Bucky's face lit up and Peter had to stop and take a minute to appreciate the look. He already knew his boyfriend was handsome; but seeing him smile in such a carefree way, looking like a lovesick teen. It made Bucky look so much younger. Like he hadn't killed people, or seen people be killed; like he was never tortured or experimented on, like he was just another regular, lovesick Joe.

They both smiled at eachother, appreciating this private moment of raw and intense emotions toward one another.

Peter walked back down the wall and set his bag down, grabbing a graphic-T out of the closet. When he went to grab one of Bucky's oversized hoodies he was stopped by a warm hand. "Don't." Peter looked up at his boyfriend curiously. Bucky wordlessly pulled Peter into another one of his passionate kisses and mumbled, "Don't wear a jacket today."

"Mmm," Peter leaned into the kiss, brefily pulling back to ask why.

"Just trust me."

And he did. After having breakfast with everyone Peter went to school, slightly cold, and impatiently waited for lunch to arrive.

"I can't wait to meet him!" Ned whispered excitedly to Peter. "It's so cool you're dating The Winter Soldier!! Scary, but still so cool! You think he'll threaten me?" Ned gasped, "Oh my god what if he does? That would be so awesome!"

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