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Peter stared at his reflection. His eyes focused and unfocused, tears threatening to fall.

"Why don't you just admit it? You know it's true."

A tear escaped his eye when Peter heard that fimilliar voice he dreaded.

"Everything about you is so terrible."

Peter hugged himself, "Everything about me is just terrible."

"Good. Everything about you makes me wanna die."

"Everything about me makes me want to die."

"Now you got it."

Peter let out a sob, "Please, please just- just leave me alone!" Peter fisted his hair. "Stop reminding me of everything I hate about myself!"

Peter looked into the mirror and saw a black figure looming over his shoulder. Red eyes that glowed and a sharp, white smile was all he could make out. "You need me Peter. Without me you would get too into yourself. Remember last week?"

A flash of the Avengers smiling faces hit him. That day, the Avengers surprised him with tickets to Six Flags, as Peter had never been. That day was the most fun Peter had had in a while. So fun, that Peter had actually enjoyed himself, felt good, about himself.

"Now, get ready for school. And don't eat breakfeast. You're already fat enough."

And just like that the figure vanished; but Peter knew better. He was still here, just out of sight.

With a self-loathing sigh Peter got ready, easily skipping breakfast since his Aunt left for work early. On his track to school Peter had thought about the figure.

Peter had always been harsh on himself. Even more so after the spider bite. However, once his depression became severe, after Vulture dropped the building on him, something changed. The voice in his head was no longer his own.

Peter believed the voice though, no matter how much he verbally fought it. He was nothing.

One day, when Peter looked into the mirror though, he saw the black shadow that now haunts him. He always felt as though something was looming over his shoulder telling him all of these nasty things. He felt that long before his voice changed into a cold hiss. Seeing it though? Seeing a thing he's only ever felt, seeing the thing that tells him all these awful truths? That is terrifying.

Peter bared through it though, he always does. All throughout school Peter had forced himself to ignore the comments.

"So stupid, even a 3 year old could've gotten it right."

"Two slices of pizza? You sure you need that much fatass?"

"Wow, can't even stand up to a whimp like Flash."

Peter finally snapped when he was out on patroll. Standing at the endge of the building he screamed as loud and long as he could. Tears streaming down his face at an intense rate.

"Wow, how impressive." Came the sarcastic hiss.

"Shut up!" Peter grabbed his head.

"STOP BEING SUCH A BABY! No wonder Tony Stark wants nothing to do with you."

"Wow babyboy," Peter spun to face Deadpool. "That was quite the display. I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one."

Peter let out a chocked sob, "W-Wade?"

Deadpool looked a thousand times more worried at the one word. "Spidey? What's wrong?"

Peter yanked his mask off, not caring he was revealing himself to Deadpool. Wade stopped in his tracks, taking in Peter's tear stained face with shock. Even his voices shut up.

"How do you do it?"

Wade carefully makes his way to Peter. "What do you mean?"

"The voices." Peter sobbed. "The voices! How can you stand them?!"

The black figure materialized next to Peter and Wade. "Well for one he isn't a weak brat." Peter sobbed at the voice, clutching his head again. "Oh stop! You worthless shit! Really, you're being so dramatic!"


Wade gave Peter a horrified look, "You- You have voices?"

Peter nodded weakly, "I- I can't take it Wade. I'm not strong like you."


Peter slouched forward, "I- I can't do it anymore."


Peter had gotten up and walked to the edge of the building. He knew, even with his advanced healing, the building was tall enough that he wouldn't come back from this fall. They both knew that.

"Spidey stop!"

"Oh-ho-ho. Going to finally kill yourself huh? About time. Rid the world of your worthless life."

Peter sobbed, "Stop. Can't you leave me alone in my last moments?" Peter looked away from the fall and to the black figure standing next to him. "Can't I have one last moment of peace?!"

"No." The monster growled. "You can't." He stepped forward, making Peter back up a step, closer to the buildings edge. "You don't deserve it. After all the people you've killed? All the people you've let down?"


Peter was at the edge of the building. Staring into those hateful red eyes. "You don't deserve peace."

Peter stepped back, falling off the building as the figure vanished. "No!" Peter felt a strong grip on his forearm stop his descent and yank him back onto the building. Peter stared up at Wade's scarred, horrified face.

All Peter could do was sob, latching himself onto an adrenaline pumped Wade. "I want to die! Please! Make it stop!!"

Wade just pulled Peter into a tight hug and shushed him. Whispering calming words into his ear as he sent out a message to the Avengers.

"What a failure. Even death doesn't want you."

Line Break

The Avengers came, they helped Peter. Cried with him, bonded with him, and helped him recover.

It turns out in his last fight against Doctor Oc he was injected with a toxin that amplifies his negative emotions. Peter had such intense negative emotions towards himself that it manifested itself into a hallucination.

Bruce and Tony had quickly made Peter an antidote and helped him on the road to recovery.

Thankfully, the voices inside Peter's head are the normal ones now.

"You're worth the world and more kid."

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