The British American

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This was a request made by Life_is_stupid_713.  I had a bit of trouble starting it but I hope it's enjoyable none the less!

Peter was overly cheerful today. Aunt May had given Peter permission to do a two week study course in London. Essentially, she was allowing him to go back to his home town. So, of course he was siked.

The only reason he got this opportunity was because he had the best grades in the school and the school would be paying for his plane tickets and hotel. He just had to tell Mr. Stark. About the opportunity, not the 'his hometown' part. He didn't perfect the American accent for no reason.

Running over to the Tower, the red faced teen busted in and practically pranced to the elevator. "Fri, could you be a good chap and take me to Mista Stark?" In his excitement Peter didn't even notice his thick British accent returning. Wordlessly, F.R.I.D.A.Y brought him to Mr. Stark's personal level so Peter assumed he was in his lab. "Thanks mate!" Peter used his powers to run to Tony's lab in under a minute. Peter scanned his hand and bounded in. "Mista Stark!" The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. "Guess what!"

"Geez kid." Tony rolled out from under his car, rubbing his head. "You need to warn a man!"

"Sorry mate, but guess what?" Mr Stark's brows furrowed in confusion at the boy's accent. "I get to go ta London for two weeks! A few other chaps from other schools might be coming but it's a full ride! Isn't that great!"

"That's awesome kid.." Tony frowned at his very real accent. "But what's up with your accent?"

"My-" Peter's eyes widened. "Oh! Hahaha..." Peter's voice did a full 360 and now sounded like a full blooded American. "Sorry, Mr.Stark. Watched too much Doctor Who." Mr. Stark wasn't buying it, however.

"Why didn't you tell me you were from London?" Mr. Stark pulled something up and started to type away.

"What're you talking about? I told you I just-"

"I know what a fake accent sounds like Pete. Your accent isn't fake." Peter sighed in defeat. "Very impressive American accent though. I'm impressed."

"Thanks." Peter tried to figure out what Tony was making a list of. "What're you doing?"

"Well, I was going to have Pepper do the business meeting in London but I thought I'd do it instead. So I'm making us a list of things we gotta do."


"Ah, ah, ah!" Just let it happen." Tony grinned, adding more to the list.

"Peter sighed again before sheepishly joining in on the planning.

I hope everyone enjoyed!! Sorry if I offended anyone!! I tried to do my best with the British accent thinhg. Also, sorry my recent chapters have been so short!

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