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Requested by Life_is_stupid_713. Peter is just having a bad day. :( {I feel that.}

Have you ever woken up and have your first thought be 'this is going to be one of those days'? Well that's exactly what happened to Peter.

Now, usually May would allow him to stay home and clean the appartment when he had one of those days. However, due to his Spiderman-ing, his grades have slipped a little. (A+ to A-) So Aunt May had made him go to school.

With a huff Peter approached the building, Ned and M.J already there waiting. When Peter only greeted them with a head nod, Ned instantly understood it was 'one of those days' and explained the situation to M.J.

Now, when Peter has a day like this, he is never in the mood to talk. He usually just wants to close his eyes and maybe listen to some light music; but definitely never speak. It was just his mood when bad days like these showed up.

It seemed as though the world was picking on him though, because by the end of 2nd period Peter wanted to cry. In 1st the teacher wouldnt stop calling on him and he couldnt listen to music while working. In 2nd he gained a headache from Flash consistantly throwing wads of paper at the back of his head and he failed a pop test. Ya, his teacher actually gave a pop test.

Peter knew that there was no reason to cry. He'd gone through worse; but it was just the way he felt. He was already so fed up with the day. And not knowing why he kept wanting to break down whenever someone even looked at him wrong made him frustrated which just made him want to cry more.

Peter huffed and blinked away his tears. His eyes were red now, having been irritated all day with holding back tears.

"It's okay man." Ned placed a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. "We're practically halfway through the day."

Peter nodded solemly and trudged alongside his best friend on the way to lunch.

"Hey Penis!!" Peter visably sighed and stopped walking. Not even having the energy to fight. Flash roughly rammed into Peter, slinging an arm around the teens neck. "Where've you been? Thought you could get away without a beating?"


"Shut it fatso. I'm not talking to you." Flash glared at Ned before turning to Peter with a wicked grin. "Well, Penis? Answer me."

Peter sighed, forcing himself to speak. "Can we not do this today? I don't feel good."

"Aw, poor baby. Do you want me to go get your mommy?"

Flash had to admit, Peter really did look like shit. Maybe that's why he left him be when Peter glared at him and walked off.

Line Break

The boys ended up skipping lunch in the bathroom. M.J bringing them their food when Ned texted her.

"It's okay." Ned rubbed Peter's back as a few stray tears escaped.

"Why'd he have to bring up my mom? I mean really, what did I ever do to him?! It's so annoying!! What did I do!?!"

"You didn't do anything Peter. Flash is just an asshole."

M.J had locked the boys bathroom to help silently comfort Peter as well. Bringing them their lunch as promised.

Peter's last 2 periods were spent alone; Flash only slightly bothering him.

Peter continued to insist that he's been throught worse; and therefore had no right to cry. However, no matter how many times he mentally reprimanded himself he couldn't find it in him to care.

You're only human. A tiny voice in the back of Peter's head reminded him. You're allowed to have your off days.

And it was right. Peter hadn't had a good cry since Ben had passed away.

So, after classes had ended, Peter stayed back. He waited for most of the kids to leave before making his way towards the music room. The song he wanted to listen to way already pulled up, his headphones in his ears. Quietly entering the music room, Peter closed the door behind him. He surveyed the large space and made his way to the middle of the room; making sure he had plenty of space around him as he clicked play.

The music started and Peter straightened up, taking a deep breath. "I can hold my breath." Peter covered his mouth with both hands. "I can bite my tounge." Peter turned his head to the side, looking down. Removing his hands he took long strides towards the back of the room as he sang, "I can stay away for days if that's what you want." Peter straighted his back and took on a starting ballet position, "Be your number one."

Offering a painful smile to a non-existent crowd he continued, "I can fake a smile." He gently placed a hand on his stomach, turning his smile into a painful grin, "I can force a laugh." He began to spin and leap, "I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask." Peter clutched his chest and gestured outward as he sang, "Give you all I am." Taking a determinded stance he schooled his features. "I can do it. I can do it. I can do it!"

"But I'm only human!" A tear escaped his eye as he began to leap again, turning one leap into a graceful fall. "And I bleed when I fall down." Peter gently cupped his knee as if he scraped it. "I'm only human! And I crash and I break down!" Peter fisted his hair as more tears escaped him. "Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. 'Cause I'm only human!!"

Peter stood, wiping his eyes, "I can turn it on." He then bowed, "Be a good machine." Peter grabbed his shoulders, falling onto his knees as he pretened to hold up an invisable weight. "I can hold the weight of worlds if that's what you need." Peter's body dropped into a head-to-floor bow, "Be your everything."

Slowly standing up he chanted, "I can do it. I can do it." He gave an 'oh-well' shrug, "I'll get through it."

"But I'm only human!!" Peter pounded his chest as more tears streamed. "And I bleed when I fall down! I'm only human! And I crash and I break down! Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. 'Cause I'm only human!"

Peter hugged himself and slowly backed up. "I'm only human! I'm only human! Just a little human!!" Peter's back hit the wall as he stared ahead brokenly. "I can take so much. Till I've had enough." Peter skrewed his eyes shut and slid down the wall.

He allowed the rest of his song to blare through his headphones as he sobbed, loud, ugly sobs. Letting everything out.

He earned that much. Right?

Ahhhhhhh! How was it?! Not too cringy I hope. None the less, I hope you enjoyed!

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