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This was also requested by Life_is_stupid_713. I hope they enjoy this! I actually didn't know how to go about this at first so hopefully it didn't turn out too bad. 😅

It was unexpected. Unplanned.

Everything was going well. According to the plan. A very well thought out plan too.

It all went to shit though when Natasha got ambushed in the ball room. The Hydra meeting being a front to capture the Avengers.

It all happened so fast, nobody could cordinate with eachother. They all had to focus on defending themselves and their closest ally.

"Can I get backup?" Clint was only so fast at shooting arrows. Especially at close ranged targets. He knew he could only take on so many in a hand to hand fight as well.

"Can't, me and Romanoff are pinned down." Cap's voice was a bit breathless, having to pull off moves he's never even tried before. He was sure one of the moves he just executed was one he had just made up. None the less it helped get the job done.

"Trying my best featherbutt." The sound of repulsers firing at an impressive rate was the background noise to Tony's snarky remark.

The battle that had broke out was intense. Captain America and Black Window were back to back. Clint was barely holding his own as Tony viciously fought his was towards the archer. Wanda, Vision, and Bruce had stayed back on the assumption the plan would go smoothly and they wouldn't be needed.

Then, there was Spiderman. He was brought along as a way for him to get a feel for the more involved and serious missions. Afterall, it was an easy in & out situation.

Easy in and out my ass. Peter thought snarkily as bullets flew past him from all angles. His Spidey Sense was having a hard time keeping up which resulted in Peter focusing mainly on dodging.

"Come on guys!" Peter huffed and latched onto a wall, managing to web one guy up before he had to go into another dodging frenzy. "Can I call a time out?!"

As usual, none of his enimies responded. Peter hissed as another bullet grazed his side. "Should I activate Instant Kill Mode?"

"No! Karen we've talked about this! I don't want to kill anybody!"

A bullet tore through part of his mask, grazing the teens cheek. "Well it seems they want to kill you."

Peter saueaked at a close call and webbed up two more guys. "Really? Couldn't tell."

The battle was long and intense but Peter had managed to web all of his enemies. He could hear the others fighting still, having gotten the blunt of the ambush. Peter huffed and turned to the webbed up Hydra agents. "Does-Does anyone have a pen?"

Peter left the room, a white piece of paper tapped to the webbing with the teens scrwaly handwriting. 'They are for S.H.I.E.L.D. Please don't release!'

"Crap, anyone report? Me and Romanoff got sperated!"

Peter quickly pressed a finger to his comm. "I'm here! Help's on the way!"

Unfortunately Peters comm had been damaged so all the Avengers heard was a staic, "I'm- Help- me!"

"Pete! Shit, we need to get to Peter!" Tony and Clint were now fighting with more ferosity. "Where are you kid?!"

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "What? I'm on my way. Worry about not dying Mr. Stark!"

Which, of course, sounded like, "Ah- I'm- about- dying- Stark."

Tony let out an infuriated roar, fearing for the kid he thought of as a son,'s life. The others also feared the worst and began to fight harder.

Peter, unaware of the turmoil he just caused, stealthily made his way toward the feminem grunts and shouts. He webbed up Hydra's reinforcements on the way, none of the men seeing it coming. When he entered the room (via cieling) he saw that Natasha and Steve were on two different sides of the room.

Steve seemed to be holding his own well with his shield, but Natsha was slowing with fatigue. A girl could only dodge so many bullets. So, Peter made his way to Natasha's side. He webbed up as much people as he could as fast as he can in the short amount of time he had before he was discovered.

It was obviously enough though, because Natasha gained edge quickly. "Pete! You're alive!"

Peter shot Captian a 'uh, yeah?' look from under his mask. "Why wouldn't I be? I told you guys I was on my way!"

"Your comm must be damaged then." Natasha grunted, knocking a man out with the bunt of her pistol.

"Oh," Peter avoided looking at the dead H.Y.D.R.A agents and instead continued to dodge bullets and web people up.

Peter had just dodged a bullet when he noticed the man behind Natasha. He was on the ground, clearly wounded, with a gun aimed up at the assassin. Natasha didn't seem to notice, as she fluidly took down the group in front of her. Peter knew there was no time to warn her. He didn't even have to think about, it was a time to act and Peter would always be the one to act.

Launching himself off the wall he angles himself to be behind Natasha, shielding her, as the bullet went off. "Мать-паук!" The words just left Peter. He had taught himself a few russain phrases, it was meant to be a surprise for the older spider. He didn't mean for her to find out like this.

Natasha's eyes widened as she watched Peter take the bullet for her. The boy rolled, skidding to the side as the Hydra agent dropped the gun, finally biting the dust.

Steve alerted the others of the situation. He and Natsha were easily able to finish off the rest of the agents in the room. Peter had webbed most of them to the walls and cieling afterall. Natsha dropped to Peter's side and surveyed the damage. "You-You're-You're fine Peter. My Паук для младенцев. You'll be okay." Natasha ran a hand over the kids head, knowing better than to unmask him in enemy territory.

"Come on Nat." Steve squeezed her shoulder, moving to pick the boy up. "Clint is grabbing the information as we speak. Let's get out of here. Get him to the Med Bay."

Natasha nodded and quickly followed them out. Ready to kill anyone that tensed the wrong musscle in Peter's direction. Said boy grunted in pain, holding a hand to his bullet wound. "Ugh, I'm going to be feeling that in the morning." The boy cracked his eyes open, "Did- Did I do good?"

"Of course you did Паук для младенцев."

"I- f'eel like I could've done better."

"Are you kidding?" Steve looked down at the boy in shock. "You took a bullet without even hesitating. When you grow up, you're going to be the best out of all of us."

Peter smiled faintly at that, "Th'nks."

Natasha gave Peter a gentle look, "Just be more careful next time. At least try not to take a bullet for anyone again."

Peter hummed, "No promises."

Ehh, that was bad wasn't it? It was supposed to be Momma Spider but I don't think I did a very good job at portraying that. But still, I hope you guys are having a fantabulous day!

Паук для младенцев: Baby spider

Мать-паук: Mother Spider (or Momma Spider)

Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now