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This was requested by PraiseTheCassSass. I hope they enjoy this one too!


Peter has been staring at his new Stark Phone for the past hour. Tony had left it on his bed somehow, (he'd ask about that later), with a note saying:


You work too much. That flip phone wasn't going to last you through the month so I took it upon myself to replace it. All of your old contacts, notes, pictures, etc. is on your new state of the art Stark Phone. There are some hidden features that I'll let you find on your own. Have fun kid.


Peter was ecstatic at first, he eagerly searched through the whole phone. Karen was installed too (one of the hidden features he's sure) and had greeted him happily upon discovery. It was when he saw Twitter downloaded onto his phone that he got confused. Surly Mr. Stark didn't log into his own account? It was the only reason Peter could think of as to why the app was on his phone. After all, he didn't have an account.

So, after a short internal debate he decided to click on the app in hopes of trolling Mr. Stark's account. After all, who could say they've done that? Only to gape and proceed to stare at the loaded account in shock for the next hour. The account name was SpiderKid_07 and a photo of him in his suit playing Mario Cart with Clint was posted. He already had a little over 4,000 followers and was sure to gain more if he continued to use it as a Spiderman account.

Dragging his eyes away from the photo he saw he had one direct message. Clicking on it he didn't know why he was surprised to see Mr. Stark as the messenger.

@IamIronman_8055: Hey kid, welcome to your new account. I've taken the liberty to post your first picture and have even managed to hot wire the direct messaging to only show me, the other Avengers, and your friends Ted and M.A. You, of course, can choose to allow people to dm you if you so please. Just have Karen show you how to do it. Anyways, have a little fun kid. Post crappy videos, do a Q&A, hell live stream for all I care. Just be safe and be smart. Gosh I sound old.

"Peter." The teen jumped at his name being called. "It's almost time for patrol."

"Oh, geeze, thanks Karen!" With that Peter hopped up and quickly got ready. Glancing at his phone one more time he decided to snatch it up and deftly maneuvered his thumb to the live stream button. Clicking it he smiled, waved and webbed it to his chest so the viewers could see what he did. He was used to chattering away to Karen so it was easy to chatter away to his audience on what he was doing and how cool patrol and swinging around town was.

The viewers saw him save a kitten, high five a late night straggler, stop a alley way mugging, and escort a nervous girl that just got out of work home. He had just boughten a churro and sat down when he unstuck his phone. He set it up so he could read comments while giving the viewers a good view of the city. Taking a big bite out of the churro he sighed, "This-mm- Thish is my favwite part guys." Swallowing he stared out into the city's night life. "It may not be the prettiest thing you ever saw but it's home. Being able to sit up here, wind in my face and just enjoy the night is one of the most rewarding feelings ever." Glancing at his phone he made a point to avoid looking at the watchers. The flow of hearts lifting up the screen was overwhelming enough. "Oh yea, it was for sure overwhelming at first- hello Sarah- but I got into the swing of things eventually. Hello Jason, Hello Dave, Karen(!) awesome name hello! Not really bagelguy, it was harder once I got into a schedule because then when I finally do lay down to go to sleep a bad guy will pop up and through it all off. Yes, I do love Harry Potter. I haven't taken the house quiz yet. I'm afraid I won't get put in the house I want."

And on and on it went. Soon he had to web his phone back on and finish his patrol but it was by far the best patrol he'd ever had. Once he was wrapping up people urged him to go home and rest. They thanked him for looking out for the city and commented on how he should get a sidekick. Peter laughed and took it all in stride, thanking them and bidding them goodnight. Only once he was sure he ended the stream did he head home. He changed into some P.J's and crawled into bed, falling asleep with a smile on his face after he read the last message Mr. Stark sent him.

@IamIronMan_8055: You did good kid.

Time Skip

"Oh my god, did you see-"

"He said hi to me!"

"He was so sweet and charming! I would-"

"-bad ass take down with that thug!"

"-amazing view-"

"Pete!" Ned launched himself at his friend with a wide grin. "Did you see Spiderman's live video last night?" Ned leveled him with a knowing look.

Peter laughed and nodded, "Yea, I saw. Pretty cool man."

Ned nodded, "When the first photo was posted on the account a lot of people though it was a fake. Glad you decided to show them otherwise. You'll finally get good coverage!"

Peter nodded, "That is a perk I hadn't thought of."

Ned scoffed with a playful eye roll, "Of course you hadn't. Nice touch with the voice-changer by the way. It's subtle but I was definitely taken aback when I heard you speak."

Peter gave Ned a look, "Voice changer?"

Ned sighed and shook his head, "I swear; without Karen you would've been found out ages ago."

Peter frowned, "I'm not that bad."

Ned snorted, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

And with that, the two continued on with their day. Peter having a wide smile the whole time as he listened to his fellow teens gossip about his alter ego's new social media account.


Sorry about the shotty description of the twitter app! I don't have nor have I ever used twitter so I have no idea if the heart thing is even a twitter thing. Talk about sucking at being a teenager! Anyways, I hope you liked it! I'm slowly working though all these requests so hopefully I'll have them all done soon! Also, I got some sad new coming up soon so keep a look out! Love y'all!!


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