Fireworks (1)

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Today had started off like any other day. Peter had gotten up late and was forced to scarf food down his throat on the way out the door as to not miss the train. Aunt May chuckling behind him, calling out a, "Have a good day!" As he rushed out of the appartment and down the stairs.

Peter had met up with Ned and MJ at the front of the school and made it to class on time. Somehow managing to avoid Flash's early morning wrath. Everything was completly normal.

Well, that is until school got let out. Today was Wednesday so Peter was scheduled to go to Stark Tower for his "internship." Happy wouldn't be picking him up because he was sick and Peter insisted that he was completly capable and okay with walking there.

And by walking he meant swinging.

Peter changed in an alleyway a few blocks away from his school. Minding the fresh bruises he got from Flash's afternoon wrath.

"Helllo Peter." Karen, his A.I., greeted him.

"Hello!" He chirrped back, happy to be in his suit and hear her voice.

"A little early for patrolling, is it not?" Her robotic voice was lacking the roboticness and was replaced with curiosity.

Peter laughed as he swung through the city, the tower in his sights. "Ya, but I'm not patrolling. I'm just lazy and decided to swing to the tower instead of walk."

Karen didn't respond and Peter fell into a comfortable silence. The comfortable atmosphere ended, however, as soon as he landed on the platform outside of the tower.

Peter went into a crouch immediately and scanned the Windows of the tower, peering through them to see if he could make ok anything. His 'Spidey Senses' were going off like a Christmas tree and his sensative hearing didn't pick anything up; but he knew better than to rely soley on that. "Karen," he whispered. Crawling over to the the entance. "Do protocal 'Over Ride' and tell me what you find."

"Right away." She went silent and Peter entered the Tower. He made sure the floor he was on was secured before he went to talk to F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony's A.I. But, just as he was about to speak Karen interuppted. "Peter, the tower is clear. I did a full 'gut scan' as you call it. However, F.R.I.D.A.Y seemes to be down. Should I reboot her?"

Despite Karen's information, Peter didn't let his guard down. "Ya."

It was silent for a second before F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke, "Hello, Underoose. Karen had alerted me that you wish to speak to me?"

"Hey Fri." Peter's voice was still soft. "I told you, call me Peter."

"Sorry, Peter."

Said teen smiled behind the mask, "It's fine Fri. I got a more pressing matter to focus on anyways. Can you tell me what happened in the last... say... five hours?"

"Of course." A hologram appeared on the wall of diffent camera views. Tony was in his lab, Bruce was in his lab, Natasha and Steve were training, and Clint was in the vents. Peter fast forward through the first two hours and soon everyone was gathered in the lounge room. Sam and Rhodey had returned from where ever they had gone and Wanda and Vision soon appeared in a litteral flash of light.

It looked like they were waiting for Peter to come home. The boy smiled and his heart filled with warmth watching his unique family interact with eachother while waiting for him. Minutes later, unfortunatly, the feed glitched. Snapping Peter out of his daze. Every few minutes the feed would glitch and Clint would make the same hand gesture, Sam and Rhodey would laugh again and again and Tony would shift to his right leg, somehow moving back to his left without Peter noticing. And that's when he realized it.

The recording is on a loop.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you filter the feed and get the actual footage?"

"I'm sorry Peter, but all my systems are saying this is the original footage."

"But it's on a loop!"

"Yes, I have noticed. However, I can't find the original copy." Her voice seemed worried.

"Well, can't you-"

"It seems you have a message."

Peter stared up at the ceiling curiously. "What?"

"W-would you like me to play it?"

Understanding dawned on Peter. F.R.I.D.A.Y. glitched. And she only ever glitches when she's being hacked or is hacked. Peter schooled his features despite wearing a mask. "Show me."

"Hello Pedro."

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