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This was requested by Life_is_stupid_713. I hope they enjoy!!


Peter glared at his Aunt's form, who was glaring right back at him. "This has gone on long enough, Peter." Said teen scoffed and crossed his arms, looking away from his aunt. "Why won't you just talk to me Peter? We used to talk about everything."

"You wouldn't understand." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Then help me to understand!"

With another eye roll, the teen left the living room; opting to lock himself in his room. Peter approached his full length mirror. He grew his hair out, shaving the sides in order to use his fringe more effectively. He had snake bites and many fading tattoo's (due to his super healing). Luckily, Wade knew a guy, so Peter had one permanent tattoo on his left shoulder, snaking down his bicep. The beautifully intricate spiderweb symbolized many things and he was happy it was permanent. 

He faintly heard his aunt talking with someone before a knock sounded. "Kid, you in there?" Tony called.

Peter rolled his eyes and slid on a new suit he made. "No." With that he pulled his mouth guard up and hopped out the window.

Line Break

Tony finally managed to track Peter down and drag him back to the compound. The brooding teen yanked his goggles off and bared his teeth at the billionaire. "What's your problem kid?" Tony asked, returning Peter's glare with his own annoyed one.

"My problem is that adults can't mind their own fucking business!" Peter shouted, throwing his hands up at Tony.

Tony reared his head back in shock. "Whoa, okay you need to calm down. You know Cap's no cussing rule and that was uncalled for."

"Uncalled for?!"

"Yes." Tony squared his shoulders, whatever that was going on with Peter was going to end now. "You do not have the right to cuss at me when I have done nothing wrong. I dragged you back here because you were being childish and giving me the silent treatment. Adults don't play the silent game. Okay? You are acting different without any reason and not in a good way kid." Tony crossed his arms, "Now you need to tell me what's going on because the Peter I know is smarter than this. He's kinder than this. And he has the decency and self-respect to give an explanation for his actions when it calls for one."

Peter was silent for a while, seeming to take in all of what Tony had said and process it. "What if the 'Peter you knew' wasn't the real Peter?" He asked in a much calmer voice. "What if I was just acting that way so everyone thought I was fine. That nothing was wrong with me because 'hey, he's smiling!'" Peter looked down, "I'm sorry Mr. Stark but I'm done being the responsible, overly happy kid that won't shut up. It's my turn to grieve, to act out, to be impulsive." Looking back up Peter laughed, "Did you know that I've never gone through a 'rebellious stage.' Never. I never got to grieve over my parents or Uncle Ben. I couldn't, May needed me. She couldn't grieve and take care of a grieving child. So I simply didn't grieve." Tears began to pour from Peter's eyes. "I always have to be careful about what I say be-because I can't slip up. I have to be happy and when I'm not busy doing that I have to make sure the bad guy get's his justice while not giving away anything about me." Peter rubbed his eyes, "I just want to be a teenager."

Tony pulled Peter into a hug, letting the boy sob into his chest. "I'm sorry Pete." Tony rubbed his renegade, not-legally-his, son's back as he whispered apologies and promises to Peter. Once the boy calmed down some Tony spoke, "Hey, why don't we go visit your parents and Uncle? I bet they miss you and would love a visit."

Peter sniffed and hugged his maximum effort, not-legally-his, dad tighter, "I'd like that."

Tony smiled, "Afterwards, if you really want, I know a place we could graffiti."

Peter laughed, "Okay."

Tony continued to plan their day out, Peter agreeing to everything the man had to say. "I'm always here if you need to talk to someone Pete."

Peter smiled and took a deep breath, "I know."


Sorry it's so short!! I hope you still enjoyed it!

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