Spare Time

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With having to juggle school, Spiderman, and the SI "internship" Peter didn't get much spare time. In fact, he forgot what spare time even felt like.

Ya, he was able to get a couple of hours to hang out with Ned and MJ every now and again but other than that; he had no 'me time.' And it was frustrating.

Peter had been desperately trying to find things to do. Something small that he could call his own. That he learned to do of his own free will and enjoys. He tried juggling but with his Spider Senses it made it no fun. He never has the time to read books, much less find one he enjoys. And he can't go out and get lessons in anything because money was tight.

He thought he'd never find something. That is, of course, until he found an old guitar while dumpster diving for spare parts. (Because just because he works at Stark Industries next to Tony Stark doesn't mean he can take home equipment.) Peter didn't know why he had taken the old guitar, he hadn't the fainest clue on how to play. However, when he saw the loved, chipped guitar he felt something come over him.

It was handcrafted, that much he could tell. Initials A.D.C were carved in sharp lines on the top of the base of the guitar. The wood was chipped and a few strings had busted but other than that the guitar seemed to be in mint condition.

So, sue him if he thought it'd be cool to have. When Peter got home he gently put it in the far right corner of his room. And for a while, that's where it stayed.

It wasn't until a month later that Peter touched it again. He had just crawled in through the window after a rather bad night of patrolling. Three muggings, two robberies, one lost kid, and one cat stuck in a tree later he was beat and in a fowl mood. He'd gotten stabbed twice, cracked a rib, and was definatly going to have bruises in the morning.

Pain was all Peter could feel or think. Sleep was a no go due to the pain and he desperately needed a distraction. That's when he saw the forgotten guitar in the corner. Grunting he stood and grabbed the guitar sitting back down on the bed. He examined it for a long while, wanting to play it but not wanting to move. With a sigh he cut off the busted strings and used his web's to make new ones. He pulled YouTube up on his laptop and began to search for some tutorials. He knew he didn't have to worry about his Aunt, she was covering for a friend down at the hospital and wouldn't be home till early in the morning.

Once he found a video he thought would surfice he clicked play and followed every instuction to a 'T.'  It was difficult and frustrating but that's what made it more fun. Finally! There was something he had to work at to master. He didnt have to worry about his Spider Abilities making it easy for him.

Hours passed by and his fingers were sore. The tips of his fingers were beat red with a thin line engraved in them. His fingers themselves were cramped beyond belief due to the weird angles he had to bend and stretch them to play a chord. And he loved it. Peter was estatic.

He began staying up late, trading sleep for practice. He even saved up some dumpster money to buy some new, real strings for his guitar. Peter was a much happier person. Though, he was severely sleep deprived.

Three months had passed and the Avengers began to worry for their youngest member. He would fall asleep more often and the dark bags under his eyes always seemed to increase every time they saw him.

At first they thought it was nightmares. It wouldn't be the first time Peter lost sleep because of them. But he was much too happy, much too calm for that to be the case. Girlfriend, maybe? But Peter never mentioned any girls, and he wasn't always on his phone. He didn't show any real signs of gaining one so they vetoed that idea as well.

What could it be? It was on all their minds.

They finally decided to confront Peter when F.R.I.D.A.Y told them of Karen's increasing worry for the boy's health. Apparently Peter has been getting a minimal of 4 to 5 hours of sleep and his fighting has been getting sloppy, leaving him with more inguries than necessary.

Peter had just stumbled into the Avenger's lounge room when they asked. He was looking particularly out of it, but otherwise he seemed rather satisfied about something.

"Son, we need to talk." Captain America did his hands on hips pose when he confronted Peter. The others were behind him.

"Hmm?" Peter blinked a couple of times before grinning, "Oh! Mr. Captain America sir. Didn't hear you there... I mean see." He lightly shook his head. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

That only increased the teams worry. "Pete." Tony placed a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. "What's been going on recently?"

"What d'ya mean Mr. Stark?"

"Peter, you're completly out of it. You need sleep. Why haven't you been sleeping properly?"

Peter blinked a couple of times, "Oh."


"Oh." He grinned again, "I finaly found it Mr. Stark. My thing." Tony raised an unsure eyebrow at the kid. "It's hard but it's worth loosing sleep over."

Tony tried not to cringe at how wrong this all sounded. "I hope I don't regret asking you this kid. But, what's... hard?"

"Playin' the guitar."

Tony breathed a breath of relief. But faltered slightly when he processed what Peter had said. "Wait, guitar?"

Peter hummed happily and nodded. "You've been learning to play the guitar..." Sam spoke slowly. "Why?"

"Same reason Unc'e Steve sketches." Peter yawned. "Can I sleep now? I wants nap." His head kept nodding, it was obvious the kid was about to pass out.

Steve Rodgers smiled lovingly at the boy. Sure, Peter hadn't realized he just called Captian America his Uncle, but Steve didn't mind. He simply scooped the kid up bridal style and began walking to his (as in Peter's) room.

Tony trailed behind the two wanting more info. "What does he mean by 'the same reason you draw'?"

Steve entered the elevater with Tony and waited for the doors to close to answer. "I sketch becsuse I enjoy it. It's something I can do. Something special to me." He shrugged, "You like building and working with tech, I like drawing, and Pete." Cap looks down fondly at the boy. "Peter, apparently, likes to play the guitar."

The elevator opened and Tony laughed. "I would've never pegged him as the guitar playing type." Steve nodded in agreement and allowed Tony to lead him to Peter's room. "Still, he could've gone about learning it in a better, healthier way."

This time Steve laughed, "You're one to talk." He stepped aside so Tony could open the door. "But I agree. We can talk about it with him in the morning."

Tony sighed, "Good thing it's Friday. I'll call May to let her know Pete's staying the night."

Steve laid Peter down and gently tucked him in. "Good night Peter." He spoke gently before making his way to the door.

Tony ruffled the kids hair fondly, but gentle enough as to not wake him. "Goodnight kid."

He turned to walk away when he heard a soft voice say, "Good night dad."

Tony looked back at the sleeping Peter in shock. Dad? He grinned, he liked the sound of that.

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