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Why is there no fanart for this? Or fanfictions for that matter. What's wrong with you people?? ;~; Lol, j.k y'all are good. I'm here to bless you with some much needed Uncle Happy fluff. Enjoy!

Peter had just gotten out of school, bidding farewell to his friends as he ran over to the slick audi that waited for him. Hopping in he greeted the driver/bodyguard happily. "Hello Happy!" Said man grunted in response, which was all Peter needed to launch into a full length description about his day. "-then Flash showed up but that's whatever." Peter rolled his eyes and Happy has never wanted to know about someone more. Peter always mentioned a boy named Flash showing up somewhere in his day but never explained why Flash showed up or what they did. "I met up with Ned and M.J afterwards and we-"

The ringing of a phone cut Peter's rambling off and Happy quickly picked up. "What's up?" He listened to the caller who, thanks to his super hearing, Peter deduced as Mr. Stark. "What?! No! Why can't-" Happy scowled and grumbled a 'fine' before roughly hanging up. "Change of plans kid." Happy switched lanes, "Tony is caught up in buisness so you're going to run errends with me untill he's ready."

"Really?" The kid beamed. Sure, he was upset he didn't get to hang out with Mr. Stark right now, but he never gets the opportunity to hang out with Happy.

"Really." The bodyguard replied less enthusiastically. "Now listen, I have a very tight schedule and many important meetings I got to have so stay silent or stay in the car."

"Yes sir."

With a sigh, Happy let some of his (very little) fondness for the teen show. "You were talking about meeting up with Ned and M.J?" Seeing the way Peter beamed made it worth it though.

Line Break

Happy and Peter were walking down the side walk conversing with one another. "He was so cranky! Like, it's just a vibramium based prosthetic prototype. It still has a lot of kinks."

Happy snorted, "You sell yourself too short kid." He pulled up the grocery list on his phone, silently going over it while the kid rambled on about Dr. Jacobs. A mean old man the always sells Tony short and over prices his things but whines when what he wants is late and expensive. Peter had went off on the man, rendering him silent with the logic he spewed. "How'd you know so much about it anyways?"

"I designed it." Happy stopped walking looking at the kid wide-eyed. Peter stopped too, frowning at the man in confusion, "What?"

"You designed it?" Peter nodded. Happy ran a hand through his hair. "Kid, multi-million dollar companies are fighting to get ahold of those designs."

Peter looked shocked, "Really?"


Peter frowned, "Then I don't want to give it to that guy."

Happy barked out a laugh, "If you can find a company that can give us the same materials Jode Orc's provides us for a better deal then be my guest."

Peter nodded firmly and the two resumed walking. "Anyways, what do we have to get at the store? I have to pick some things up for Aunt May too, so maybe I can help-" A light buzz in the back of Peter's mind briefly warned him as a gun appeared from the alley way they passed.

The man pressed the gun against the back of Happy's head firmly. "Scream and the big guy gets it." Peter closed his mouth and followed the man into the alley. Happy was tense, silently examining the guy to find an opening. He was a bodyguard afterall; he's trained for this. "Okay, hand over all your cash and credit cards."

"I don't have any cash on me." Peter lied, turning out his pockets. He was happy he learned to carry cash more secretively.

"I never carry my credit cards on me." Happy also lied, keeping a schooled face.

"Don't fuckin' lie to me." The man cocked the gun and Peter quickly jumped in front of Happy.

"Hey, if you're going to shoot someone shoot me." Happy paled at the kids words, looking at him in alarm.

"Tough talk for a small fry." The gunman stepped closer, holding a steady aim for the teen's head.

Peter smiled when the gunman stepped closer. He walked right into his web. Lunging forward Peter grabbed the pistol's barrel and pushed it up, the bullet ricocheting off the wall behind them. Chopping the guy's wrist, Peter twisted the gun out of his hold, snapping it in half. Tossing the broken weapon aside. Peter delivered a stong punch to the man's temple, successfully knocking him out. Peter stood in a defensive position for a beat longer to ensure he was victorious before turning to a stunned Happy. "Oh my god, are you okay?!"

"Am- Am I okay?" He breathed, astonished by the boy's caring nature. He leaned against the wall baffled, "Oh boy..."

After that and the rest of their day going smoothly, Happy's softspot for the boy grew. Eventually Happy would pick Peter up from school just to take him out on erreds with him. Somehow nobody caught onto their blossoming relationship untill it slapped them in the face. Peter had just been dropped off at the Tower to hang with Tony and the Avengers when he got a call and stepped out to take it. Happy was rummaging around in the fridge when Peter came rushing in with a grin. "Uncle Happy! Uncle Happy! Uncle Happy!" Everyone but said boy and Happy stopped at the kid's words.

He continued to chant 'Uncle Happy' untill said man emerged from the fridge to look at him. "What's up?"

"I just got off the phone with Johnny Storm and-"

"Wait." Happy held up a hand and raised an eyebrow. "You know Johnny Storm?"

Peter nodded, "I've helped him with hero stuff a couple of times."

"Ok, continue." Tony gawked at his bodyguard but it went unnoticed by the pair.

"So I just got off the phone with him and he said Storm Corps is willing to provide the necessary materials in exchange for my prosthetic designs!"

Happy's mouth dropped, "You're kidding."

Peter shook his head, "He said he'd give you a call and set up a meeting!"

"That's great kid!"

Peter grinned, "No more mean old guys!" He cheered.

"No more Jode Orcs!" Happy agreed happily.

"Uh, guys." Peter turned to Mr. Stark with a grin. "Are we just going to ignore that Pete just called you Uncle?"

Happy smirked, "He's been doing that for a while Tones."

"WHAT?!" He turned to Peter, "So you'll call him Uncle but you won't even call me Tony?!"

Peter gave a sheepish grin, "Sorry Mr. Stark." Tony threw up his hands making everyone laugh.

Walking up next to Peter, Happy ruffled his hair. "Good job kid."

Yes? No? Maybe so? Sorry if I got Johnny's company name wrong. I couldn't remember its name. I hope y'all enjoyed it though!

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