Infinity and Beyond (2)

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A part 2 was requested by kiara242004 and I am here to deliver. I hope they enjoy!

Infinity War Spoilers

The group walked in silence for a long while. Nobody daring to say anything in fear of upsetting the seventeen year old further. Peter didn't mind though, he was actually enjoying the silence. It gave him time to dwell on his self-destructive thoughts.

The boy stopped in his tracks, however, when he heard faint sobbing. More people. Peter quickly jogged in the direction the noise was coming from. The others quick to follow. Upon arival, Peter had instantly recognized the boy. A short Cuban (I think?) boy was curled in on himself, shaking with sobs. His head quickly shot up at the approaching footsteps. "S-S-Spiderman?"

"Ya, it's me."

Flash began to ball more at the sight of the hero. "N-Not you too! What's going on?! I'm so s-s-scared!!"


"It just- happened!"


"I w-was on a field trip and-"

"Eugene!" Flash instantly fell silent. "It's okay. You're allowed to be scared." Peter pulled his childhood bully into a hug. "Nobody will think different of you. This situation is scary."

Flash weakly returned the embrace, "Are you scared?"

Peter nodded, "Ya. I was fighting Thanos right before this happened. My spidey sense warned me but I-I couldn't do anything. My super healing made the whole experience a lot more painful."


Peter pulled away, "It's fine. The snap was a random selection. We were just one of the unlucky people." Peter offered a smile from behind the mask. "We'll get through this Flash."

The teen nodded before giving the hero a hesitant look. "How do you know my name?" Peter sighed, seeing no need to hide it now that they were going to be trapped in the soul stone for a while. He slid off his mask and Flash paled, looking ready to puke and run all at once. "P-Parker?!"

"Ya, it's me." Flash sniffled, his tears quickly returning. "It's okay." He pulled Flash back into a hug, the teen tensing before wrapping his arms around Peter; returning the hug with full force. Peter ran a hand through Flash's hair and let the boy cry his heart out.

After a while Flash pulled away, wiping his nose. "I'm sorry for all that I've done over the past few years."

Peter smiled, "All water under the bridge man." Peter helped Flash stand, the teen sheepishly glancing at the group of superheroes standing a few feet away. "Come on, let's look for the others."

Peter began to walk next to Flash, showing him all of his gadgets, talking about them and even letting the distraught teen try on his mask. Peter kept the kid's mind off of their current situation, willing and prompting the boy to talk and fanboy all he wanted.

It's okay.

He reassured himself one more time.

How was it? I hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry it's so short. Also, sorry if I got Flash's ethnicity wrong.

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