Brown Recluse (2)

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A part 2 to this was requested by JaDePCNolan. This is diving into more of the history behind Rick and his part in Peter's life. I hope y'all enjoy!

Peter sighed and put his head down on his desk. Rick, the claimed persona of the spider that bit him, was currently trying to explain why it would be in Peter's best interests to kill Flash.

"You can't be too sure little recluse. What if he never stops and one day threatens the safety of your nest and eggs?" Peter's eyes widened at the implication. "You must think ahead."

'Rick!' Peter mentally scolded. 'I'm way too young for... eggs! Besides, Flash doesn't even know where I live.'

Rick's deep voice sighed, "I have never, and will never lead you astray little recluse. I shall not kill him, but mark my words he will prove to be a problem in the future."

The bell rang and Peter stood, 'We will cross that bridge when it happens.'

"Hey man, what's up?"

Peter turned to Ned a smiled, "Ah, just the usual. How 'bout you?"

Peter absently listened to Ned as they made their way to lunch, M.J appearing and joining the conversation on the way. Peter's mind strayed to Rick. About 2 and a half months into being Spiderman Rick made his first appearance. He would stop calling Peter a 'foolish Brown Recluse' and telling Peter what he should do. After the first few months (which were rough and annoying) the two found a happy medium. Peter quickly found that he could trust Rick as he seemed to be a sentient version of his spider sense.

However, if Rick deems the threat big enough he can fight for control over Peter's body. Peter learned that out the hard way when he got caught between a turf war and got shot. It was like Peter had a Hulk in him. His veins would turn black and he'd have to fight tooth and nail to stay in control. Thick black lines would connect to his eyes and as soon as his eyes also turned black, he lost control. It isn't always bad though; sometimes Peter will voluntarily give up control to Rick. For the most part though, Peter likes to stay in control.

Peter zoned back into the conversation and nodded, blindly agreeing with what Ned had said. "See?" Ned looked smug, " It's the best."

M.J rolled her eyes, "Whatever loser."

"I like her. It's never too soon to have eggs of your own recluse."

Peter blushed and quickly looked away from M.J. 'RICK!'

Rick sighed, "You're hopeless."

Peter groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Is it about our Spanish test?" Peter nodded, deciding it was best not to mention what Rick had just suggested. "Don't worry Pete, you can borrow my flash cards."

Peter thanked Ned as he ruffled through his backpack to find the review cards.


Peter instantly obeyed, narrowly avoiding a baseball. "Oops. My bad." The sarcastic voice of Flash came. "I must have lost control of my strength."

"Well the  maybe you shouldn't play with it inside." M.J had pulled out a book as soon as Flash came over and was now reading it, seeming to be bored with the current events unfolding.

"'S fine." Peter mumbled, not wanting to have the confrontation.

"No its not!"

Flash laughed, "Of course it is." He jogged around the table and picked up the ball. "Afterall, I wouldn't have been in the wrong. It's your face that would've gotten in the way."

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